The CookingBites Cookalong: Chinese Dumplings

Two key points - cook until ALL of the water is evaporate and allow to cool completely. Wild mushrooms can be expensive and will not keep for a long time. I usually use a mixture of fresh Cremini (Baby Bellas) and reconstituted dried wild mushrooms. 1/4 ounce of reconstituted mushroom adds a huge flavor punch. I usually buy them in one ounce pkgs. They will keep in the pantry for a long time.

Reconstitute the dried mushrooms. Strain through a fine mesh sieve lined with a coffee filter - reserve the liquid. Squeeze dry -again reserving the liquid. Blitz both fresh and reconstituted mushrooms in a food processor. Make Duxelles. You can get creative with the Duxelles. They store well in the refrigerator. You are on your way to a culinary adventure. :D
Looking at this. I feel way out of my league in this forum lol. Looks fantastic!!!
Yeah. I get it. Her plating and photography is always 4-star restaurant-worthy and I can see how that would be intimidating. I try to use this as inspiration to do better myself. My plating is usually not great, nor is my photography. But, I’m still going to eat my food. :laugh:
Yeah. I get it. Her plating and photography is always 4-star restaurant-worthy and I can see how that would be intimidating. I try to use this as inspiration to do better myself. My plating is usually not great, nor is my photography. But, I’m still going to eat my food. :laugh:

:oops:I have plenty of failures! Recently crumpets which were a disaster. Worst thing is I don't know why so can't see any point in making them again. Also - things can look pretty and taste all wrong!
@morning glory Beautiful looking dish and sounds like it tasted as good as it looks.

Either a duxelle or just chopped dry fried mushrooms. Hopefully we'll get some made again soon, we've both been under the weather lately so not much cooking got done last week.
@morning glory Beautiful looking dish and sounds like it tasted as good as it looks.

Either a duxelle or just chopped dry fried mushrooms. Hopefully we'll get some made again soon, we've both been under the weather lately so not much cooking got done last week.

Get better soon - I wondered why you hadn't posted so much.
@detroitdad G gave me a wonderful Japanese chef knife for Christmas a couple of years ago. I rarely use my mandolin. I use it when I want either very precise slices or paper thin slices. I have nerve damage in my arm and hand so my knife skills are not what I wish they were. If I had to pick one it would be my chef knife - my pride and joy.
The trial run was a success out of six dumplings only one fell apart and The Taste was fantastic it was crab ginger green onions salt pepper and light soy sauce..... oh, the crab is imitation. Couldn't afford the real stuff

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