Congratulations medtran49 I too was very impressed by the winning recipe.
As you know, its now over to you to choose the next ingredients. As usual, its best to choose something fairly accessible across our different countries. You can see the ingredients chosen before here in date or and here in alphabetical order. It really doesn't matter if its an ingredient chosen before as long as it wasn't too recently.
Just post the new ingredient in this thread and I'll set up the new challenge. If you want to, you could test a few ideas for ingredients in this thread to get feedback.
As you know, its now over to you to choose the next ingredients. As usual, its best to choose something fairly accessible across our different countries. You can see the ingredients chosen before here in date or and here in alphabetical order. It really doesn't matter if its an ingredient chosen before as long as it wasn't too recently.
Just post the new ingredient in this thread and I'll set up the new challenge. If you want to, you could test a few ideas for ingredients in this thread to get feedback.