I was at my inlaws a couple of months ago sitting outside and I was sitting next to a juniper bush. I was admiring how pretty it was and I touched the branches and the berries, and asked what it was. They told me it was juniper. We were having an outdoor social distancing dinner and were eating takeout pizza, so my fingers touched my mouth and the food after touching the bush. I may have touched other parts of my face, I don't remember. But, the next morning I woke up with a rash on my face, swollen lips, and my eyes were red-rimmed (more like purple) and swollen shut. Several doses of benedryl and a few hours later I was much better. It was a few days before I looked completely normal again.
I am only assuming I am allergic to juniper, but what else could it be? I hear that in parts of Texas (Austin) where cedar grows rampantly there are many, many people who are allergic to cedar, which is a close relative of juniper. Not trying to scare you, but be careful.
Oh, and I hate gin, too, always have. Never drank enough of it to see if it made me have an allergic reaction because I could not get past the first sip.
A lot of people are allergic to juniper, or at least the pollen. Austin in autumn is a juniper/cedar pollen nightmare for people, who like me, are allergic to it. Since I don't like the taste of the berries, I don't eat them, so I don't know how they would affect me.
And, as Mountain Cat said, there are some varieties of juniper that produce edible berries, but not all. If you don't know for sure, don't eat them.