The CookingBites recipe challenge: processed canned/tinned luncheon meat

Looks like maybe tourtiere, except tourtiere doesn’t usually have potatoes.
You got it! The recipe I used is from a French-Canadian woman (she may actually live in the US, idk), though she mashes hers, so they disappear and just act as a thickener, but I like the texture of leaving some chunks in there.

The first time I made a tourtiere (different recipe), I posted it somewhere else (this has been several years ago), and being from the US, I don’t know all the ins and outs of the thing, and people started commenting on it, and within a day, there was a raging fight between Canadians on whether what I’d made was “authentic” - they got so heated with one another, they forgot all about me!

I’ll be posting it up later tonight (or possibly tomorrow), so you can check it out. The woman I got it from makes videos for our PBS, and she’s some sort of documentary filmmaker.

If you put spam in tourtiere, I fear you may be permanently barred from entering Canada…
You all put pineapple on pizza…you’ll let me in. :wink:
My second one:

Recipe - Tourtiere (includes SPAM)

I was thinking at one point of making a Spammy hand-raised pork pie thing, but that just seemed like there wasn’t much to it, and maybe a bit of SPAM overload, so I thought about other things I could incorporate SPAM into, like meatballs, meatloaf, burgers, and then remembered that I was long overdue to make a tourtiere, one of my all time favorite things.

Here’s the finished product (which I was so pleased with, I’ve already posted it in about 19 other places on the forum):

Things I like about this…it’s very easy, it’s satisfying to put together, squishing up all that meat, and the lovely smell of frying onions, mixed with that almost medieval waft of cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves co-mingling…it’s positively intoxifying (new word, I think…)!

As to the taste…well, MrsT contributed her usual “Do NOT lose this recipe!” - that’s a good sign right there. For me, it’s like feasting on meaty spice cake, happily trapped between two distinct flavor profiles.

The SPAM…the SPAM…normally, when I make tourtiere, it’s the usual 50/50 mix of ground beef and ground pork, but this 50/25/25 affair, with the SPAM joining in, makes a delicious three-way - the sweetness of the SPAM links up perfectly with those warm spices, each magnificently enhancing the other - I dare say, SPAM will be a permanent addition to my recipe because of that…though next time, I’m going to try pureeing it first, to further integrate that spammy-hammy sweetness.

So…going forward, no more tourtiere for me - from now on, it’s SPourtiere!
My second one:

Recipe - Tourtiere (includes SPAM)

I was thinking at one point of making a Spammy hand-raised pork pie thing, but that just seemed like there wasn’t much to it, and maybe a bit of SPAM overload, so I thought about other things I could incorporate SPAM into, like meatballs, meatloaf, burgers, and then remembered that I was long overdue to make a tourtiere, one of my all time favorite things.

Here’s the finished product (which I was so pleased with, I’ve already posted it in about 19 other places on the forum):

Things I like about this…it’s very easy, it’s satisfying to put together, squishing up all that meat, and the lovely smell of frying onions, mixed with that almost medieval waft of cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves co-mingling…it’s positively intoxifying (new word, I think…)!

As to the taste…well, MrsT contributed her usual “Do NOT lose this recipe!” - that’s a good sign right there. For me, it’s like feasting on meaty spice cake, happily trapped between two distinct flavor profiles.

The SPAM…the SPAM…normally, when I make tourtiere, it’s the usual 50/50 mix of ground beef and ground pork, but this 50/25/25 affair, with the SPAM joining in, makes a delicious three-way - the sweetness of the SPAM links up perfectly with those warm spices, each magnificently enhancing the other - I dare say, SPAM will be a permanent addition to my recipe because of that…though next time, I’m going to try pureeing it first, to further integrate that spammy-hammy sweetness.

So…going forward, no more tourtiere for me - from now on, it’s SPourtiere!

You pulled out all the stops here. I love it.
Is it true that SPAM is a hot ticket in Hawaii? If so, is it because SPAM was brought to Hawaii by the mainland military during WW2?
Short answer ElizabethB , YES! We "locals" love us our Spam!
And yes, Spam made it's way to Hawaii during WWII.
I remember my father and all of his family talking about "rations" and meat was VERY hard to come by.
But not so canned or potted meats.
To the day my Dad died, he refused to eat ANY potted meats, me, I love all that s---!
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