The last time I owned a personal laptop was in 2013.
MrsT’s previous business laptop is sitting back there in her office, unused. I could’ve been using that one all this time, but I really have no need.
I always get kidded at work, because everyone always wants the latest and greatest, especially on the company dime, and when it comes time to get a new laptop, I get maybe five to choose from, of various specs, and I always choose the smallest/lightest one, because I don’t like carrying around something heavy.
All my coworkers have these things nearly as big as a TV, and a second monitor that’s as big as my TV and wraps around, and I’m working on a 15” notebook.
My manager made me get a second monitor as a condition for working from home full time. I don’t use it. It’s hooked up, but it’s turned off, and I just use the little screen most of the time.
I’m a simple man with simple tastes!