The decade of your teen years...

Just google 'hippy girl in Hyde Park' and you will see me.
A stunning wild child!!

13 in 1966, 20 in 1973
Hip hugger bell bottoms (the wider the better)
Mini Skirts
Maxi skirts
Hot Pants
Fish Net/Textured stockings
Platform shoes
Go Go Boots
American Bandstand
Dances: the jerk, the pony, the fish, the swim, the Freddy, the Mashed Potato, the Watusi best of all the Twist. I was young and limber and could twist to the floor.
Later I did get into Disco
I never did much of the Hippy thing. I did the long straight hair, love beads and maybe a couple of hippy girl dresses
I was rather sheltered. I attended Catholic school for 12 years. I was not as wild as my public school counterparts.
I remember attending driver's ed. at the largest public high school. I overheard 15/16 year old girls talking about their sexual exploits, smoking pot and doing Acid.
Did not have sex until I was 18.
Did not smoke pot until college. Other drug experimentation was not until late '70's.
In high school we drank - beer, wine, Mad Dog 20/20, Boones Farm, Strawberry Hill, when we could get it, Jack Daniels.
I would spend the weekend with my best friend. Tell Mom we were going to the movies and just hanging out. We would head out to Signorelli's (Slicks) in St. Martinville. A bar/dance club. We were 16/17. At the time the drinking age was 18. The bouncer, Mr. Joe would ask for I.D. "Oh Mr. Joe I left it at home". "Make sure you bring it next time." Same thing every Saturday night. If you were tall enough to get your quarter on the bar you could get a draft beer.
That was the extent of my high school rebellion.
I look back now and realize how lucky we were. There is a very dangerous curve on the way to Slick's - called Dead Man's Curve. How many times we traveled that road and that curve at 2 A.M., drunk, without having a fatal accident. We had two classmates and other friends who died in that curve.
60's music is still my favorite. In my car I listen to 60's Gold on XM.
I would not go back unless I could do so with the knowledge I have now. I would be a much more confident, secure young woman. I was very shy and insecure. Always worried about what others thought. Now I don't give a flip. I am myself and what you think is none of my business. Wish I knew that then.
Thanks for the topic.
Several decades. HMMMM! OK I accept and celebrate my age. The alternative is to die young.
Why do you not remember your teen years? The prolific use of chemicals? My teens were formative years. As I stated my teen years were sheltered. Later generations were exposed to very early sexual experiences and drugs much beyond pot. Was that why you do not remember your teen years?
I do not mean to be judgemental. I wonder why, at your young age, you can not remember your teen years.
A stunning wild child!!

13 in 1966, 20 in 1973
Hip hugger bell bottoms (the wider the better)
Mini Skirts
Maxi skirts
Hot Pants
Fish Net/Textured stockings
Platform shoes
Go Go Boots
American Bandstand
Dances: the jerk, the pony, the fish, the swim, the Freddy, the Mashed Potato, the Watusi best of all the Twist. I was young and limber and could twist to the floor.
Later I did get into Disco
I never did much of the Hippy thing. I did the long straight hair, love beads and maybe a couple of hippy girl dresses
I was rather sheltered. I attended Catholic school for 12 years. I was not as wild as my public school counterparts.
I remember attending driver's ed. at the largest public high school. I overheard 15/16 year old girls talking about their sexual exploits, smoking pot and doing Acid.
Did not have sex until I was 18.
Did not smoke pot until college. Other drug experimentation was not until late '70's.
In high school we drank - beer, wine, Mad Dog 20/20, Boones Farm, Strawberry Hill, when we could get it, Jack Daniels.
I would spend the weekend with my best friend. Tell Mom we were going to the movies and just hanging out. We would head out to Signorelli's (Slicks) in St. Martinville. A bar/dance club. We were 16/17. At the time the drinking age was 18. The bouncer, Mr. Joe would ask for I.D. "Oh Mr. Joe I left it at home". "Make sure you bring it next time." Same thing every Saturday night. If you were tall enough to get your quarter on the bar you could get a draft beer.
That was the extent of my high school rebellion.
I look back now and realize how lucky we were. There is a very dangerous curve on the way to Slick's - called Dead Man's Curve. How many times we traveled that road and that curve at 2 A.M., drunk, without having a fatal accident. We had two classmates and other friends who died in that curve.
60's music is still my favorite. In my car I listen to 60's Gold on XM.
I would not go back unless I could do so with the knowledge I have now. I would be a much more confident, secure young woman. I was very shy and insecure. Always worried about what others thought. Now I don't give a flip. I am myself and what you think is none of my business. Wish I knew that then.
Thanks for the topic.

I can so relate to your youth. Dangerous they would say now. I've lost count of childhood friends that have passed away, I was and still are an extrovert, so I've been very lucky.

A stunning wild child!!

13 in 1966, 20 in 1973
Hip hugger bell bottoms (the wider the better)
Mini Skirts
Maxi skirts
Hot Pants
Fish Net/Textured stockings
Platform shoes
Go Go Boots
American Bandstand
Dances: the jerk, the pony, the fish, the swim, the Freddy, the Mashed Potato, the Watusi best of all the Twist. I was young and limber and could twist to the floor.
Later I did get into Disco
I never did much of the Hippy thing. I did the long straight hair, love beads and maybe a couple of hippy girl dresses
I was rather sheltered. I attended Catholic school for 12 years. I was not as wild as my public school counterparts.
I remember attending driver's ed. at the largest public high school. I overheard 15/16 year old girls talking about their sexual exploits, smoking pot and doing Acid.
Did not have sex until I was 18.
Did not smoke pot until college. Other drug experimentation was not until late '70's.
In high school we drank - beer, wine, Mad Dog 20/20, Boones Farm, Strawberry Hill, when we could get it, Jack Daniels.
I would spend the weekend with my best friend. Tell Mom we were going to the movies and just hanging out. We would head out to Signorelli's (Slicks) in St. Martinville. A bar/dance club. We were 16/17. At the time the drinking age was 18. The bouncer, Mr. Joe would ask for I.D. "Oh Mr. Joe I left it at home". "Make sure you bring it next time." Same thing every Saturday night. If you were tall enough to get your quarter on the bar you could get a draft beer.
That was the extent of my high school rebellion.
I look back now and realize how lucky we were. There is a very dangerous curve on the way to Slick's - called Dead Man's Curve. How many times we traveled that road and that curve at 2 A.M., drunk, without having a fatal accident. We had two classmates and other friends who died in that curve.
60's music is still my favorite. In my car I listen to 60's Gold on XM.
I would not go back unless I could do so with the knowledge I have now. I would be a much more confident, secure young woman. I was very shy and insecure. Always worried about what others thought. Now I don't give a flip. I am myself and what you think is none of my business. Wish I knew that then.
Thanks for the topic.

Boone's Farm, what a flashback. That's what we bought for the girls in our crowd. The boy drank whatever beer we could afford, usually Schlitz Malt Liquor (higher alcohol content and dirt cheap). The drinking age was 18 then, but all the ID you needed in Port Arthur was a green piece of paper with a picture of a dead president on it. :laugh:

Boone's Farm, what a flashback. That's what we bought for the girls in our crowd. The boy drank whatever beer we could afford, usually Schlitz Malt Liquor (higher alcohol content and dirt cheap). The drinking age was 18 then, but all the ID you needed in Port Arthur was a green piece of paper with a picture of a dead president on it. :laugh:


My first car had two speakers in the back package shelf (American term -- don't know what Brits call it). One of them lifted up, and had a box under it. That's where our empties went. :eek::laugh:

Oh, my first car. 1973 Pontiac. It was a double hand-me-down, and was trashed when I got it. I spent a year meticulously fixing it up. 400 CI/6.6 Liter V8 -- 8 MPG. Gas was 47 cents a gallon when I was in High School.


My first car had two speakers in the back package shelf (American term -- don't know what Brits call it). One of them lifted up, and had a box under it. That's where our empties went. :eek::laugh:

Oh, my first car. 1973 Pontiac. It was a double hand-me-down, and was trashed when I got it. I spent a year meticulously fixing it up. 400 CI/6.6 Liter V8 -- 8 MPG. Gas was 47 cents a gallon when I was in High School.

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CD first car was a '73 Impala. In true southwestern Ohio fashion, I traded a cow for it. :laugh:
I don't suppose there are any recovered Goths from the 80's here? Thinking back, it was actually pretty smart fashion wise -- black never goes out of style (and apart from the hair) my teen pics look pretty cool today. ;)
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