I don't particularly care for my current dentist, definitely put off by the hygienist, and I didn't like my previous dentist.
The previous one, he and his wife bought out the practice, and all they seemed to care about was selling expensive whitening and straightening procedures. The final straw came when, during my exam after a scraping,
he didn't even examine me, just asked how things were and if I had any questions and sent me on my way.
My current dentist...he's just not quite right, I think, seems to get a kick out of it when the Novocain hasn't quite taken effect and you're in some discomfort ("I'll bet that hurt, huh?!

On top of that, his hygienist is a whackadoodle conspiracy-theorist, and not just political/govt conspiracies, but medical, science, aliens, celebrities, gardening, grocery shopping...you name it, she's got a psycho conspiracy theory about it, and she's more than happy to tell you all about it while you're lying there trapped.