It's warm and muggy. we went to bed with it being 17°C outside, woke after thunderstorm had rattled around for hours to 15°C . It's 19°C outside now despite heavy cloud. It's due to rain heavily today but hasn't yet. I'm at a loose end... hubby's working (as in work, work) and I've done what I intended to do today (make 3 different vegan cheeses for Christmas ). I'm going to make a lemon polenta cake tomorrow.... that way I have a small something I can eat in hospital but it must wait until tomorrow because that way there will be some left to take to hospital with me. Luckily it needs to mature for 24hrs so...
So I'm bored. I know I could be doing all sorts including work on CB but I really don't feel like doing anything and I've done all of the gardening I could possibly do. Everything that needed planting has been planted. The veg plot has been dug over and planted out fully. The new border has been dug, plants dug up, divided, replanted, rescued, and even a wood border constructed to remind the grass where the lawn ends and the border starts.
I've sewn 5 types of potatoes, broad beans, Climbing red beans, runner beans, peas, New Zealand Yams, artichokes, tomatoes (2 lots), basil, coriander, aubergine, Okra, Orach (don't ask), sorrell, cabbage, beetroot, leeks, carrots, and so much more I can't remember. Raspberries have been transplanted, Strawberries divided, Red currants planted, parsley, thyme, rosemary, dill, winter savoury, and more thinned, moved or just given more space. the passion fruit relocated, the garlic weeded, then there's a few regional bushtucker leaves and some bushes for edible white berries. Then the Fruit trees have been cut back, topped off to restrict height and make it easier to put netting over them later in the season. and finally various areas have had flowers planted as well! And the lemon


has been tamed... Did I include the fig trees? the rhubarb? the 4 olive trees? The apricot tree? And yes, It has taken weeks and weeks... and I'm sure I've missed things... Ah the grape vine...
Yep, all so I can be ready to go into hospital and now i'm almost there, I'm bored! I don't want to start another knitting project but will, but I also need to wind up several skeins of yarn... That's what I can do... Yepee I've found something to do...