just spent the morning catching and weighing all of our chickens.
every 3 months you're meant to worm your chickens, just like cats & dogs (and all farm animals)... we don't really both any more because we've only once in 5 years seen any worms in their poop. but the girls have a round of upset tums which meant last week was catching and trimming and washing all of them, literally a short back and sides

and as a precaution, we decided to worm (or should that be de-worm?) them this weekend.
you're meant to not feed them for 24hrs beforehand & 3 hrs after due to it making them sick (as in vomit). we just go with not feeding them overnight, so 12 hrs, removing all food (but not their water) from the chook house and turning off the automatic door so they are kept in. easier to catch...
the pet shop would only let me buy 1 bottle of 100 tablets. I don't like the stuff that goes in their water because they can drink from other sources (which mine do) and wild birds drink from their water, plus it means keeping term in until all water is drunk and if a girl target likes drinking the water, she'll get more than she should etc...
so, its catch, and weigh and then calculate, and force feed x many tablets down the throat of the chook, make sure she swallows each tablet and then release after a quick health check (eyes, ears, break length, toenails and so on)....
great way to work out first thing on a Sunday! 1½hrs to do 17 birds... some of my girls are overweight...
does anyone know how you put a free-range chook on a diet? over ⅓rd of my flock needs to not catch so many bugs, literally, lol