We’re getting a person added to our team (internal transfer), so my three-week on-call rotation will soon move to a four-week rotation, so that’s good.
Things at work that make me go
: we’re getting an error with some vendor-supplied software, so they asked for a logfile showing the error, very standard.
I happened to see that at about 6:30PM (that’s outside normal work hours), so even though it wasn’t my responsibility, I went ahead and grabbed it, sent it on to the vendor, and CC’d everyone concerned.
Back online this morning, I open my email at a little after 8AM, and what’s the first email I see? One from a manager, thanking me for sending that file, and asking if there’s an update on the issue.
1. I’m not working the issue, you are, I just did you a favor. Don’t drag me into your mess.
2. I sent that after business hours, and your email is from 7:30AM…guess how much work got done on that in the 13 overnight hours (we’re all EST) since I sent that? I’ll tell you: NONE!
Do you really think that techs are working overnight on your stuff? It’s a 9AM-6PM support model. You know this!
Things at work that make me go

I happened to see that at about 6:30PM (that’s outside normal work hours), so even though it wasn’t my responsibility, I went ahead and grabbed it, sent it on to the vendor, and CC’d everyone concerned.
Back online this morning, I open my email at a little after 8AM, and what’s the first email I see? One from a manager, thanking me for sending that file, and asking if there’s an update on the issue.
1. I’m not working the issue, you are, I just did you a favor. Don’t drag me into your mess.
2. I sent that after business hours, and your email is from 7:30AM…guess how much work got done on that in the 13 overnight hours (we’re all EST) since I sent that? I’ll tell you: NONE!
Do you really think that techs are working overnight on your stuff? It’s a 9AM-6PM support model. You know this!