The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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That is very unusual I think. In fact I would think it would be investigated by the GQC if a practice refused to book a face to face appointment unless you were referred by a nurse or booked in 'on the day'. Where do they live? You may have to wait a little while where I live, but you can certainly book a face to face appointment.
My doctor here in Australia was telling me that her daughter who lives in the UK also has the same problems accessing GP care at present. Surgery doors are locked. You ring on the day for a telehealth appointment. You only get to see a doctor in person if the nurse or doctor you've just spoken to decides it is needed. All scripts go directly to the pharmacy/chemist and you collect from there.
There is very little contact with a doctor directly.

I'm lucky I'm in Australia. I know I had to wait 8 days for this appointment, but when I made it I just needed reassuring I wasn't being paranoid about my back. By the time the appointment was only a day a away, I knew I wasn't. Hubby came with me because emotionally this is more than I can manage now.

We've been able to arrange for a CT scan (and x-rays (they were ordered just in case I couldn't have a CT scan, but apparently I can after contacting the technician for my Neuro stimulator, only MRI are not an option) ). The scans are at 10am today, and hubby is coming with me. I just can't manage this alone anymore. It's the 3rd time my spine has given up, and the 4th disc to have problems. I knew that this disc had issues, it is malformed along with my lower spine and sacrum. I only found that out when the first disc went leaving me paralysed in my right leg. This time it's affecting the left foot & shin, so I know it's the nerve root at L5 being impacted again. Impacted by what remains to be seen (swelling or bone are the 2 options). In order for L5 to be affected, it has to be L4-L5 that's now failed.
Yeah, I had just applied for some jobs in the beginning of this year too. Luck doesn't seem to favor us much health wise. I'm sorry, it's really hard to have to rely on others all the time. I know the feeling. My husband's really generous but being unable to add to our household income hurts my feelings too. I get it. But you should believe your husband, you're worth it. I am too apparently. I know how difficult it can be to truly believe that. But you're doing everything you can despite your condition, and that's what counts. Or that's what they tell me! :hug:
Yeah, I know what you mean. I try hard to do what I can at home to contribute but I really feel like every single time I get back on my feet (and in this case literally because I haven't used the wheelchair since October last year when my hip was replaced) something always happens.

So it's back to the drawing board (figure of speech) and me doing as little as I can until we know how bad things are. Apparently they prefer not to operate now at all if they can, but if the disk has gone completely they may not have any choice. The curve in my spine has a massive inwards indent in it where one if the lamina should be but isn't. The CT scan is in 3hrs time a good hour's drive away, so I've not got much time to worry about it, lol.
Chilly out this morning

Yeah, I had just applied for some jobs in the beginning of this year too. Luck doesn't seem to favor us much health wise. I'm sorry, it's really hard to have to rely on others all the time. I know the feeling. My husband's really generous but being unable to add to our household income hurts my feelings too.

Yeah, I know what you mean. I try hard to do what I can at home to contribute but I really feel like every single time I get back on my feet (and in this case literally because I haven't used the wheelchair since October last year when my hip was replaced) something always happens.
First, hoping for the best possible news for you on your scans this morning, SatNav.

For both of you, I know it doesn’t really help, but let me be your stand-in for your husbands for a minute:

We don’t mind supporting you when you need it. We made a commitment. We said we’d be there. We meant it. We’ll be there.

We don’t doubt for one second you would do and have done for us.

As to the “contributing” thing: this is an argum…er, discussion I frequently have with MrsT. She’s always been used to earning a good portion of our family income. More importantly, due to the way health care is funded here, her jobs have been a vital safety net the two times I’ve been unemployed - her job immediately provided insurance for me.

However, money is not the only way a person contributes. There’s companionship, there’s support for your partner’s emotional well-being. There’s being a second voice, a sounding board, and another resource for ideas for all the day-to-day BS we go through. There’s being a source of laughter and joy. There’s just being someone who understands what the other person is going through and says, “Hey, I get it. Want a cup of tea?”

SatNav…geez, you’re chasing chooks and chopping wood and putting out fires (literally and figuratively). You’re helping your husband with his own medical needs. You’re contributing!

Windigo…how much of your nervous system have you given helping with your stepsons over the years? Does your husband smile when he sees you? Do you make him laugh? You’re contributing!

Don’t sweat it. Just square your shoulders, put your head down, and focus on getting through what’s going on now so you can hopefully have some better days ahead together. Don’t be afraid to lean on ‘em when you need to - that’s why they’re there.

Hopefully, I didn’t overstep. Hang in there. :)
First, hoping for the best possible news for you on your scans this morning, SatNav.

For both of you, I know it doesn’t really help, but let me be your stand-in for your husbands for a minute:

We don’t mind supporting you when you need it. We made a commitment. We said we’d be there. We meant it. We’ll be there.

We don’t doubt for one second you would do and have done for us.

As to the “contributing” thing: this is an argum…er, discussion I frequently have with MrsT. She’s always been used to earning a good portion of our family income. More importantly, due to the way health care is funded here, her jobs have been a vital safety net the two times I’ve been unemployed - her job immediately provided insurance for me.

However, money is not the only way a person contributes. There’s companionship, there’s support for your partner’s emotional well-being. There’s being a second voice, a sounding board, and another resource for ideas for all the day-to-day BS we go through. There’s being a source of laughter and joy. There’s just being someone who understands what the other person is going through and says, “Hey, I get it. Want a cup of tea?”

SatNav…geez, you’re chasing chooks and chopping wood and putting out fires (literally and figuratively). You’re helping your husband with his own medical needs. You’re contributing!

Windigo…how much of your nervous system have you given helping with your stepsons over the years? Does your husband smile when he sees you? Do you make him laugh? You’re contributing!

Don’t sweat it. Just square your shoulders, put your head down, and focus on getting through what’s going on now so you can hopefully have some better days ahead together. Don’t be afraid to lean on ‘em when you need to - that’s why they’re there.

Hopefully, I didn’t overstep. Hang in there. :)
I've been healthy most of my life. 2022 so far has been "the year of the wheels falling off."

That persistent cough I had for a couple of months that they thought was pnumonia, but then changed their minds, went away, but left me with sore ribs. Yesterday evening I was sitting on the edge of my bed changing into some shorts, and I heard and felt a "pop" from my right rib cage. OMG the pain -- from changing f-ing pants?

Anyway, I've been in serious pain all day, and it's pissing me off. If I reach in front of me for anything, Pain. It even hurts to use my f-ing computer mouse. Seriously?

First, hoping for the best possible news for you on your scans this morning, SatNav.

For both of you, I know it doesn’t really help, but let me be your stand-in for your husbands for a minute:

We don’t mind supporting you when you need it. We made a commitment. We said we’d be there. We meant it. We’ll be there.

We don’t doubt for one second you would do and have done for us.

As to the “contributing” thing: this is an argum…er, discussion I frequently have with MrsT. She’s always been used to earning a good portion of our family income. More importantly, due to the way health care is funded here, her jobs have been a vital safety net the two times I’ve been unemployed - her job immediately provided insurance for me.

However, money is not the only way a person contributes. There’s companionship, there’s support for your partner’s emotional well-being. There’s being a second voice, a sounding board, and another resource for ideas for all the day-to-day BS we go through. There’s being a source of laughter and joy. There’s just being someone who understands what the other person is going through and says, “Hey, I get it. Want a cup of tea?”

SatNav…geez, you’re chasing chooks and chopping wood and putting out fires (literally and figuratively). You’re helping your husband with his own medical needs. You’re contributing!

Windigo…how much of your nervous system have you given helping with your stepsons over the years? Does your husband smile when he sees you? Do you make him laugh? You’re contributing!

Don’t sweat it. Just square your shoulders, put your head down, and focus on getting through what’s going on now so you can hopefully have some better days ahead together. Don’t be afraid to lean on ‘em when you need to - that’s why they’re there.

Hopefully, I didn’t overstep. Hang in there. :)
No, you certainly didn't overstep anything! Your view on this is very helpful, it's great to hear the perspective of someone in the same position as my husband who I am not afraid is just trying to please me. So thank you very much! This post really helps me see my husbands side of things :hug:
I've been healthy most of my life. 2022 so far has been "the year of the wheels falling off."

That persistent cough I had for a couple of months that they thought was pnumonia, but then changed their minds, went away, but left me with sore ribs. Yesterday evening I was sitting on the edge of my bed changing into some shorts, and I heard and felt a "pop" from my right rib cage. OMG the pain -- from changing f-ing pants?

Anyway, I've been in serious pain all day, and it's pissing me off. If I reach in front of me for anything, Pain. It even hurts to use my f-ing computer mouse. Seriously?

Sorry you are in so much pain. It's difficult to deal with daily things being a struggle :hug:
I've been healthy most of my life. 2022 so far has been "the year of the wheels falling off."

That persistent cough I had for a couple of months that they thought was pnumonia, but then changed their minds, went away, but left me with sore ribs. Yesterday evening I was sitting on the edge of my bed changing into some shorts, and I heard and felt a "pop" from my right rib cage. OMG the pain -- from changing f-ing pants?

Anyway, I've been in serious pain all day, and it's pissing me off. If I reach in front of me for anything, Pain. It even hurts to use my f-ing computer mouse. Seriously?

I've broken ribs before now coughing. It sounds like you've done the same. I don't know if you've broken any before, but they hurt like hell. It found be worth a doctor's visit. They won't did anything about the rib unless it's a floating fracture, but even then with me they left that, but they can prescribe a painkiller that has a side affect of suppressing coughing which will very definitely help especially with sleep.

PS, don't try sleeping on that side. You'll only try it the once.
I've broken ribs before now coughing. It sounds like you've done the same. I don't know if you've broken any before, but they hurt like hell. It found be worth a doctor's visit. They won't did anything about the rib unless it's a floating fracture, but even then with me they left that, but they can prescribe a painkiller that has a side affect of suppressing coughing which will very definitely help especially with sleep.

PS, don't try sleeping on that side. You'll only try it the once.

No ribs are broken -- I went to the doc and got an x-ray. More likely, it is torn cartilage between two ribs. I may need a CT scan to know for sure.

I have had bruised/broken ribs before, but from fun things like skiing. Then there was the time about five years ago I got run over by a big guy running to catch his flight at Houston IAH airport.

This is worse than those. It doesn't matter how I lay down, it hurts. I am sleeping on my living room sofa, as the cushions are goose down filled. I sink into them.

Yesterday evening I was sitting on the edge of my bed changing into some shorts, and I heard and felt a "pop" from my right rib cage. OMG the pain -- from changing f-ing pants?

I've fractured ribs so often I've lost count and often by simply twisting the wrong way. They usually takes 6 weeks to heal in my experience but starts to be less painful after 2 weeks.

The CT scan is in 3hrs time a good hour's drive away, so I've not got much time to worry about it, lol.
I hope it reveals things are not as bad as you fear.
I hope it reveals things are not as bad as you fear.
In some ways no and some ways worse.
The discs concerned haven't ruptured, but are bulging badly and swelling (for which I can't take non-steriodal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen) pressing into the spinal cord branches at L5 causing the numbness and paralysis in my left leg. Last time left my right leg almost totally paralysed. It never fully recovered. That's the good news.

The bad news is that I've been confirmed as having osteoarthritis in my spine. It's roughly stage 2-3 on a 0-4 scale. I can't have the nsaids to deal with the swelling, so am having to rely on steroids to help. Obviously that has it's own issues, but the spinal OA is not good news. Add that to the confirmed areas of big toe, knee, both hips, wrists and thumb and there's a pretty good guess that most joints in the body are probably affected.

Right now it's a case of dealing with this flare up and getting the pain and swelling under control. Long term doesn't look good for someone who isn't yet 50 and can't take the main treatment.

So I've got to loose more weight, keep exercising (probably not a problem, apparently I'm doing too much at present) and include low impact exercise and stretches. Try to strengthen the lower back and stay positive which is going to be very difficult as I come to terms with it. It's a degenerative disease that for me can't be treated and that's going to cripple me, it already is doing so.

I'm going to speak to me doctor once this flare up is over about seeing my Neuro surgeon again (unless there is someone else I should be seeing? ) to work out what changes I need to make to my lifestyle to best manage an incurable condition.

So the good news is that I don't need immediate back surgery, the bad news, I can't bring myself to repeat. I might be quieter than normal for a few days whimsy I deal with it all.
Anyway, I've been in serious pain all day
I’m assuming the doc’s advice is, “Tske it easy and give it time.”

I know what you mean about getting older and things like that just sort of happening. As a kid, I fell off the barn, house, sawmill building more times than I can remember (probably because I landed on my head most of time :laugh: ), and I’d just get up and dust myself off and back at it.

Now, I can be doing something as simple as standing at the counter, buttering toast, and I’ll feel some part of my back seize up, all on its own, like, “Surprise! I think you should walk around hunched over for the next week! Enjoy!”

I once ended up in the ER after inhaling (just air) through my nose! Just a normal, involuntary sniff like you a hundred times a day…and out came the blood and it wouldn’t stop. Total of three trips to the ER, actually.

I hope you get to feeling better soon, so you can be ready for the next not-life-threatening-but-damn-annoying thing your body decides to do.
Me standing in front of the fridge with the door open: did you finish the carton of juice

TVC: it is right in front of you

Me: :facepalm:
That's me and Mr. OH in reverse roles. He can never find anything, which is why I rarely ask him to get me something from the refrigerator/pantry/drawer/cupboard...
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