now you understand one reason why I prefer America - you still have pride. On a facebook group I am in an English biker made a T shirt regarding English bikers remembering English soldiers - no disrespect to anyone else indeed no mention of anyone else at all. Simply an Englishman remembering England's fallen and was IMMEDIATELY abused by scots ["I seem to remember there were Scottish soldiers there too"] Welsh [same] Irish [ditto] and every other sad bleeding heart who had an axe to grind. It seems if a scot is proud to be Scottish or an American is proud to be American etc etc [pick your country] that is fine but if you are English you have to say [if you dare say anything at all] that you are British - well no I'm English and if that alone [ no disrespect to anyone else - just me being proud of my country] makes me a racist fascist or some sort of nazi then so be it. I disrespect no man's country but I expect the same in return and that is something we over here seem to have lost. Further I believe IF we could all be a little more proud of our own country and culture then maybe we could accept and understand someone else's better
Sorry for the rant again