A balmy 4 degrees forecast for tomorrow. Prediction was for a big freeze so we get off lightly it seems.
It's 36C outside already and its not yet midday!
Horrible day forecast.
It starts off ok at 14C overnight. That's good. It's 6C less than forecast so we got some sleep, but it is already over 25C and not even 8:45am. It's due to hit 40C today.
It's nearly 10pm and despite a thunderstorm (with no rain but definite cold front) it is still above 28C outside. I honestly have no plans to go anywhere near my quilt, winter, autumn or summer weight!It is 0 here at eight in the morning. I have no immediate plans to leave the warm comfort of my duvet.
We had to giggle this morning because we are breakfast outside wrapped up like there was no tomorrow. It was over 20C and we were actually cold! Eating our evening meal we commented on how despite the fact that it was still above 30C we both felt cold because less than an hour or two previously it had been above 40C! It's quite amazing how quickly you adapt but I don't think 50C is on the cards for me! It's the humidity or lack of right now that's the killer. My guage on the weather station only reads to 25-95% but still spends most of the day showing LL which means it is below 25% humidity.
My late cousin often used to tell us what the temperatures in Saudi were from day to day. They ranged from 15C to 50+C depending on the time of year. At present the temperature in Riyadh (where he lived) is 20C, which they would consider as very cold. He had plenty of work as a central heating engineer![]()
Building a staircase - that really does sound ambitious!Yesterday I completed the new staircase I've been busy working on with a coat of varnish, so just got the wallpapering to do. A mammoth task of three months but at last I can see the finishing line.
Then back to the winter soup production, for which I've had requests for; Carrot and coriander, leek and potato, sweet potato and coconut, spring vegetable, and finally cream of onion. I normally have about 24 Kilner jars of various sizes filled to last until May-June time.