The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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Bit of a slow start this morning. When I have finished my cuppa, sort out the first load of washing, breakfast at the garden centre, grocery shopping, put stuff away and get the place ready for when we get our moggy back later. Lots to do but no rush to start.
This evening was cheese club evening

I always find cutting the grass soothing. Particularly when my wife's doing it.
Somewhat to my distaste, I bought a book in Waterstone's today. This was largely because it's a book I need and Waterstone's is the only bookseller in Kirkcaldy, unless one counts the woeful W H Smith.

Waterstone's remind me rather of the Greene King brewery. Both whinged and whined when they were in difficulties and facing takeovers by bigger fish. Both played the "please support us, we're independent, you don't want to lose us" card. Both recovered and promptly turned into sharks, threatening the existence of genuine small bookshops and breweries respectively.
I made this for our Reception class Royal wedding party today. It's just a victoria sponge inside. Sugar flowers from the bakery aisle in Tesco. Purple ribbon left over from my son's wedding last summer. Ready to roll fondant icing is my friend.

Royal wedding cake.jpg

( I took this picture at home then I dismantled it to transport it so that's why you can see a bit of baking parchment sticking out!)
My poorly chook got up and walked today.


Not yet I'm celebrating yet. She's still got to survive 3 days at a wildlife carer's home who so far has killed everything that's been given to her to keep alive. :meh: (hubby's boss's partner)
Just got back from a garden centre with a lot of bedding plants for the front garden, can't wait to get cracking :hyper:
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