Midlands, England
My husband has been decorating so we have windows open and no heating on 

I have the opposite problem no more gardening because of the sun! Unless I get it done before 8am, I can't now do any gardening because the sun is too hot and too strong. Late evening isn't an option because it's too hot and sticky and there's too many sweat flies around then.. No more gardening for me today.
Typical, not only do I have a sore heel but on my way in this morning I found an uneven part of the pavement so I now have a throbbing ankle as well... stop the planet I want to get off![]()
If it swells, get it iced and elevated.
After years of playing hockey, I sympathize with gimpy ankles. Actually, I was playing hockey in the driveway this past Sunday and shot a puck off my son's anklebone.
He was very proud to show off his big bruised ankle in school yesterday. Lol, the scars of battle when you're a kid. A bane later in life.