Midlands, England
Sounds like the beginning of a 50’s sci-fi movie.

Sounds like the beginning of a 50’s sci-fi movie.
The goombah from outer space.
It is quite surprising how many meteors there actually are and how few actually make it through the atmosphere. We often see them, having always lived rurally.was very low (maybe @ 10,000 feet?), moving incredibly fast and was incredibly bright as it broke apart and burned up.
I wonder if any appreciable amount of it survived to reach the earth?
Just found out my dad is in hospital. Ha hasn't been well for a while apparently but never said a word. He told my brother who nagged him to see his doc, he sent him straight to the hospital, he is on a ward on an antibiotic drip. Hopefully find out tomorrow what is going on.
Hope all is OK - if its antibiotics then I presume its an infection of some sort which can be sorted. Lets hope so.
Is that you with your red hair?
Hope all is OK - if its antibiotics then I presume its an infection of some sort which can be sorted. Lets hope so.
Wishing you the best...
Thank you both. We have been to see him and the docs suspect a lodged gallstone so they are going to do an endoscopy on Friday and hopefully fix the problem. He was upset but doing ok.
If that's what it is then its good news really as it can be sorted. It must be difficult for him though. And I know that gall-stones can be painful.