The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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My spinster nieces take this time of year very hard. They're in their mid to late 30s now, and neither seems to have ever been able to keep a relationship going for very long through out their lives. (and they'd kill me if they knew I referred to them as spinsters).

But last Christmas, they came to my house to see the family. They both showed up each with a bottle of wine in hand, then they proceeded to down the wine and moan about everyone else's happiness. When they left without saying goodbye, I asked my sis/their mom why they were acting that way. She just said it's the joy of the Christmas season that really gets to them.
My spinster nieces take this time of year very hard. They're in their mid to late 30s now, and neither seems to have ever been able to keep a relationship going for very long through out their lives. (and they'd kill me if they knew I referred to them as spinsters).

But last Christmas, they came to my house to see the family. They both showed up each with a bottle of wine in hand, then they proceeded to down the wine and moan about everyone else's happiness. When they left without saying goodbye, I asked my sis/their mom why they were acting that way. She just said it's the joy of the Christmas season that really gets to them.

They are both still young!
Yes, I agree. But they can hear their biological clocks ticking to a certain end, so they put a lot of pressure on themselves.

Desparation, especially in a relationship as one gets older, is an increasingly ugly proposition, I guess.
I know what you're saying, my d.i.l is 39 and her younger sister about 35 lives her life through my d.i.l. She's always at my sons house and hanging with their kids. I've actually seen her flirt with my son. She tries way too hard to fit in. Plus she has scary eyes. She just met a guy a few weeks back and now she's playing happy families with her new boyfriend and my grandkids. She's really so different to her sister. I've warned my son to not get involved with her. He's sensible so I know he wouldn't risk it with her. I guess she knows her body only has so long for kids of her own.
Sad really.

NASA landed a rover on Mars :hyper:. We were glued to the BBC for their live coverage. The reporters were so busy talking they missed touchdown :facepalm:
I only caught about a minute of it. Whenever there's a cooking segment on the news, you can never hear it. The newscasters submerge on the food like Locusts, and talk over the chef. LOL
When it rains here it is generally a massive downpour that lasts little more than an hour or two. This morning has been cold (20 degC) with a miserable drizzle since 06:00.
A certain amount of consternation in this house at the news that Margaret Thatcher is a candidate to appear on a new £50 pound note. This worry is slightly ameliorated by the thought that there is little prospect of us seeing said note. I have never had a £50 note in my life.

This also reminds me of when pound coins were introduced in the 1980s. Certain wags termed this coin a Maggie, on the grounds that it had a thick brass neck and thought it was a sovereign.
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