The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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It's another 4-burner night:
Spiders aren't a problem in Aussie. Cockroaches are my enemy!!

I haven't had too much of a problem with them. It's ants that have been an issue in both houses we've lived in.
Some are huge, seriously large, as in wasp sized. Others and these are the pesky ones are tiny. They're not termites just very small ants. It's why I put waste vegetable matter into a container in the fridge and why everything is washed up at the end if the day and all counters are wiped down. If during the day you spill anything, it has to be cleaned up immediately. If you find something they like I've found spraying it with Dettol disinfectant to be the best option. They generally don't come back. We also use something called Coopex. It's a very fine white powder that's hydrophobic and it's also an insecticide. It kills everything (so we limit it's use unless in the chook house, under the house or in the garage/woodshed or workshop area. Ants and I are not friends).
I haven't had too much of a problem with them. It's ants that have been an issue in both houses we've lived in.
Some are huge, seriously large, as in wasp sized. Others and these are the pesky ones are tiny. They're not termites just very small ants. It's why I put waste vegetable matter into a container in the fridge and why everything is washed up at the end if the day and all counters are wiped down. If during the day you spill anything, it has to be cleaned up immediately. If you find something they like I've found spraying it with Dettol disinfectant to be the best option. They generally don't come back. We also use something called Coopex. It's a very fine white powder that's hydrophobic and it's also an insecticide. It kills everything (so we limit it's use unless in the chook house, under the house or in the garage/woodshed or workshop area. Ants and I are not friends).

We have ants here but they are harmless, just annoying if they decide to come into the home. I've destroyed about 4 nests in my front yard.

We seem to have a lot of wasps just now. They have a fondness for rubbish and recycling bins, so one has to be careful when disposing of bottles, etc.
View attachment 31319Um... okay... so this is my first attempt. Basically, the oven is about 20 years old, and I think the seals in the oven door has packed up, which means the heat is leaking out, hence the "lopsided" look to it. Other than that, it might qualifyas a minor disaster, but I'm sort of proud too.

:hungry: that looks good to me :thumbsup:
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What. A. Day. :cry:

My normal commute home, if I leave at 3PM, is 55 minutes. That's if there're no accidents or other goofiness.

Today - four hours. That's right...four hours. :o_o:

Right after I got on the interstate, they announced it was completely shut down about 20 miles ahead, so I (along with a million other drivers) had to get on the surface streets, and it was just pure driving hell.

Oh, and to top it off, I have to work tonight and got home with 30 minutes to spare before I have to log back in. :typing:
What. A. Day. :cry:

My normal commute home, if I leave at 3PM, is 55 minutes. That's if there're no accidents or other goofiness.

Today - four hours. That's right...four hours. :o_o:

Right after I got on the interstate, they announced it was completely shut down about 20 miles ahead, so I (along with a million other drivers) had to get on the surface streets, and it was just pure driving hell.

Oh, and to top it off, I have to work tonight and got home with 30 minutes to spare before I have to log back in. :typing:

I have friends in Sydney that spend 2 to 3 hrs in their cars each way to their works. I couldn't waste that much time doing nothing.

I have friends in Sydney that spend 2 to 3 hrs in their cars each way to their works. I couldn't waste that much time doing nothing.

I have spent much of my working life working away from home. However, I have always attempted to, and usually succeeded in, getting digs within a few minutes drive from my place of work.
My commutes over the years have ranged from five minutes to two hours each way. If I had to average them all out, I'd say it'd be about an hour, which is what my current commute is when there are no other issues.

Personally, I've never liked living too close to my office. I like having some time to decompress on the drive home, and 30 minutes would be ideal.

Right now, working from home where my commute is to the sofa and I can sit in my underpants if I choose to, I do find it annoying to have virtually no separation between the house and the job. My work laptop is always sitting out, for example, which has inspired me to go post in The Good Ol' Days...:whistle:
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