I woke during the night and coming back into the bedroom I could detect a faint smell of smoke, so woke hubby as per our agreement. I can't currently move very fast or shut the heavier (aka broken sash) windows that we prop open on lengths of dowling. We've woken this morning to dense smoke from the fires again, so I had to wake hubby again. He's put some fencing up for the chicks to have more space, but there's no gate. That means I can't open up the chickens right now because I am not meant to be moving around too much, nor twisting, nor bending over and certainly no lifting... So climbing a fence isn't on the agenda either! Like every true gentleman he went out without much on and came back to ask me to remind him to only climb wire fences wearing something on the lower half next time. I have pictures in my mind now of him wearing a pair of socks tomorrow morning!