Had one of those rather cute conversations with my 82yo dad today. Keep in mind, he's got a touch of dementia. Read in responses in your best Matlock/Sheriff Andy Taylor voice:
"Hey, Dad, how ya doin' today?"
"Purty good, purty good, just lookin' out the windah at the world goin' by."
"You have breakfast yet?"
"Yep. I done eat. Just got done."
"What'd you have?"
"Well, let's see...I don't know. Hey, Barb! What'd we eat fer breakfast?!"
<Mom mumbles in the background>
"Well, I'm the one who cooked it! I orta know! <Back to me>. I'll tell you what I had - I had some of that Prosecutor ham...and an ayyyyyg."
"What kind of ham?"
"Prosecutor ham!"
"Where'd you get it?"
"Let's see...Aldi! I got it at Aldi! It came from one o' them countries you like, I s'pect."
<FYI - my dad is always giving me crap for my appreciation of the UK and Europe>
"And it's called 'Prosecutor ham?'"
"Yep, cut thin like a piece of paper, and it's cured, you don't have to cook it, but I cook it. I throw the whole pack in, and why, in just a minute, it curls right up, and I put my ayg right in there with it."

"Did it come from Italy?"
"Yep, maybe. I think so. Prob'ly"
"Prosciutto, Dad. It's called 'prosciutto.'"
"That's what I said, Ayghead!"
My dad's nickname for me is Egghead.