The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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KFC places have started to open-drive through only, my colleague went to her local last night to treat her kids-the police had closed the road due to the excessive amount of vehicles queuing to get in.... all that just for some chicken :eek:

I must say I really don't understand why people want this stuff so badly.
We can't get too risque in our kitchen, sigh.
Oh, the things I'd do with that, just to fuel their nosiness:
1. Lead a goat into the kitchen while wearing Speedos and a snorkel.

2. Invite some friends over, dress in robes, light some candles, and sketch out a giant pentagram on the picture window.

3. Set up a telescope pointed directly at their house.

4. Drizzle some red-colored corn syrup down your spouse's face, then drag them through the kitchen toward the door that goes out to the yard, with a shovel under your arm.

Have fun with it. That's the important thing. :laugh:

I must say I really don't understand why people want this stuff so badly.

Simply a matter of wanting what you can't have. Tell someone something is off-limits, they want it all the more.
Oh, the things I'd do with that, just to fuel their nosiness:
1. Lead a goat into the kitchen while wearing Speedos and a snorkel.

2. Invite some friends over, dress in robes, light some candles, and sketch out a giant pentagram on the picture window.

3. Set up a telescope pointed directly at their house.

4. Drizzle some red-colored corn syrup down your spouse's face, then drag them through the kitchen toward the door that goes out to the yard, with a shovel under your arm.

Have fun with it. That's the important thing. :laugh:

Brilliant! :roflmao: Go for it JASOH1!
Oh I'd definitely do #4, have your spouse not be seen for a while and see if the cops show up, then explain and point them in his direction to have a "talk".

We had a neighbor that spied on us once and would report to the homeowner's association. We enclosed the front porch with door skins (really thin lumber sheets), painted it like a castle entrance, put up a gargoyle head, decorated it with spider webs, bugs, rats, etc for Halloween. Shortly after got a letter from the HOA about illegal building activity. Called them and asked them if they were serious and if somebody had actually seen it. No, they had just gotten a report. I described what it looked like to them and told them it was for Halloween. Got an apology and to never mind. She did it another time too. We got a letter about leaving our boat out overnight in the community. Besides the fact that we hadn't, the boat in question wasn't even the same color as our boat.
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Tomorrow we were due to fly to Cyprus for 3 weeks. The temperature there is due to hit 41 deg C this weekend - would have been a bit of an improvement on the 14 deg we have here at the moment. We had the phone call from the holiday company about a month ago advising us that it was all off - we knew that already! As the holiday had been fully paid for we decided not to add to the company's woes by pressing for a refund, instead we opted to re-book for September. We are now thinking that might have been a tad optimistic, but we will see what happens. I suggested that we might make the 1 hour drive to the airport tomorrow, a bit of fantasy role play sort of thing. Worryingly, I was only half joking. I may be going stir crazy.

Coincidentally, we saw a Rick Stein in Greece clip this morning, featuring moussaka. Being a designated shopping day today I am about to set off in search of minced lamb, courgettes and aubergines. Tomorrows cuisine may well have a bit of a Greek theme going on.
Tomorrow we were due to fly to Cyprus for 3 weeks. The temperature there is due to hit 41 deg C this weekend
We should be just about winding up a Norway fjords cruise right now and heading to London for a city break, but that didn't happen.

MrsTasty has been following the weather in what would have been our ports of call - absolutely miserable by her standards, fine by mine, with nights down in the 20sF, snow, freezing rain, the whole bit. I would have loved it, she would have complained nonstop. :laugh:
It was sunny and warm all day Friday, but Saturday was cool (64F) and it rained all day. I'm not complaining. It was a good, long, soaking rain that should have absorbed deep into the clay-based soil we have here.

Had one of those rather cute conversations with my 82yo dad today. Keep in mind, he's got a touch of dementia. Read in responses in your best Matlock/Sheriff Andy Taylor voice:

"Hey, Dad, how ya doin' today?"

"Purty good, purty good, just lookin' out the windah at the world goin' by."

"You have breakfast yet?"

"Yep. I done eat. Just got done."

"What'd you have?"

"Well, let's see...I don't know. Hey, Barb! What'd we eat fer breakfast?!"

<Mom mumbles in the background>

"Well, I'm the one who cooked it! I orta know! <Back to me>. I'll tell you what I had - I had some of that Prosecutor ham...and an ayyyyyg."

"What kind of ham?"

"Prosecutor ham!"


"Where'd you get it?"

"Let's see...Aldi! I got it at Aldi! It came from one o' them countries you like, I s'pect."

<FYI - my dad is always giving me crap for my appreciation of the UK and Europe>

"And it's called 'Prosecutor ham?'"

"Yep, cut thin like a piece of paper, and it's cured, you don't have to cook it, but I cook it. I throw the whole pack in, and why, in just a minute, it curls right up, and I put my ayg right in there with it."

< 💡 >

"Did it come from Italy?"

"Yep, maybe. I think so. Prob'ly"

"Prosciutto, Dad. It's called 'prosciutto.'"

"That's what I said, Ayghead!"

My dad's nickname for me is Egghead.

My wife brought some ganja oil (cannabis oil) yesterday for my fullritis.

I haven't got a clue how to administer it. A drop under my tongue? Rub it on my elbows? Sprinkle it on my chips?

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