Do ATSEP members maintain the equipment that detected explosives on my camera bag? And, my clothes... and my hands? I almost missed my flight.
Luckily, no.
Our line manager put his foot down some time ago as we were experiencing 'mission creep'. Upper management asking us to start maintaining other non avionics equipment around the airport.
Problem is the users don't seem to understand the concept of best endeavours.
So we've had incidents such as several lightning strikes on the airport during a storm which took out several critical items of navigation equipment and the car park. Toys were thrown out the pram because we had to prioritise returning navigational aids back to service and ignored the car park.
Our remit is solely focused on the navigational aids and I suspect most other airports are similar.
I/we would love to do some more stuff, never took an x Ray scanner apart before but it just creates bad blood when we can't jump when they say.