We've just had to do the hardest thing ever.
Yesterday morning at 3am there was a pitiful meowing at our bedroom window. This beautiful 4-5 month old kitten was either lost or more likely dumped and had found us.
She completely disrupted yesterday never leaving me alone, getting under my feet constantly and just wanting attention. She ate everything, even attacking the ladleful of soup I put in a pan to heat up for our evening meal, it was meant to be more but I never managed to get more in. She demolished that, 4 cooked eggs, another ladleful of soup (ate all her greens too!)... She slept the night on our bed, use the ash from the fire this morning as a litter tray (!) and has broken our hearts.
This morning we took her to our local vets. Needless to say she didn't like the car journey but I managed to keep her on my knee for the 8km or so of dirt track to get from our home to the vets. She's not chipped, but one of the receptionists is taking her home for the weekend to see if she gets on with her existing 6 month old kitten. I hope /pray she does. We'll know on Monday if she had a new home.
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Sadly our tenancy specifically states no cats at all, otherwise we would now have a cat!