Oh, absolutely - all the polka you can stand, and then a little more.How exciting! Is there music involved?

Oh, absolutely - all the polka you can stand, and then a little more.How exciting! Is there music involved?
Have a Pilsner for me!Oh, absolutely - all the polka you can stand, and then a little more.![]()
You can count on it (though it may be a hefe...)!Have a Pilsner for me!
So sorry. Pain is exhausting.The last few days, my lower back has been causing me a lot of pain -- something new to welcome me into my 60s. Since my health insurance plan is an HMO, everything has to go through my PCP (Primary Car Physician), who can't see me for three weeks -- and she's an idiot. So I did what I usually do, I called my sister, the hospital RN.
I can't take any NSAID drugs, because of a history of stomach bleeding, so ibuprofen is off the table. She told me about a topical gel available over-the-counter that she thought would be okay for me to use. I talked to my pharmacist, and she verified it would be safe for me to use, as there is very little systemic absorption.
I feel a lot better. Still not great, but I can walk around without any serious pain.
Getting old sucks, but I guess it is better than the alternative.
The last few days, my lower back has been causing me a lot of pain -- something new to welcome me into my 60s. Since my health insurance plan is an HMO, everything has to go through my PCP (Primary Car Physician), who can't see me for three weeks -- and she's an idiot. So I did what I usually do, I called my sister, the hospital RN.
I can't take any NSAID drugs, because of a history of stomach bleeding, so ibuprofen is off the table. She told me about a topical gel available over-the-counter that she thought would be okay for me to use. I talked to my pharmacist, and she verified it would be safe for me to use, as there is very little systemic absorption.
I feel a lot better. Still not great, but I can walk around without any serious pain.
Getting old sucks, but I guess it is better than the alternative.
Happy your back is ok. Spine is such a vital vertical.My mate butcher has the same problem, stopped a few road trips as sitting in car is bit tough. His doc altered his meds last Thursday but it may take a while to kick in. My backs ok, my frozen shoulder in my left arm is getting better, a time thing.
Welcome to the 60s.
Oh, absolutely - all the polka you can stand, and then a little more.![]()
That's what the beer's for - makes the polka go down easy.So, five minutes, and then one more minute?
Happy your back is ok. Spine is such a vital vertical.
My boyfriend was back on his feet yesterday in hospital. That was good to hear.
He is prohibited of driving the next 4 weeks, starting whenever he is released home.
His surgeon said the upper disc was so bad, it could have immobilized him. Saved. So far so good.
He will be absent from work for a min of 3 months.
Thank you so much. I was kind of inbetween chores, so clicked Like and reply now.Glad to hear he is on his feet. After surgery, it is important to get out of bed and walk around. He will heal faster if he moves around -- without overdoing it. It is a balancing act. You need to stay moving, but not do anything too much, too soon. I have no doubt that you will keep him encouraged.
Thank you so much. I was kind of inbetween chores, so clicked Like and reply now.
He was released home today! Splendid news!!
He is in a lot of pain. Plus his digestion got messed up, exhausting...but he did get a nap.
You said it well. Exactly what docs told him.
I am doing my best.
He slipped into pessimism and anxiety so I found some up facts...but he really is his own boss. And he lives with his parents.
From what I gather things are not very rosy among them, but it is how it is.
Or with his brother.
We had a part of a very difficult discussion, it just so happened, which splashed me with icecold water, but I will give him some credit as he needs to recover first and foremost.
He is very content with the docs and nurses. I know we have fantastic med experts. Buildings and infrastructure may not be so cool, or partly, but expertise and care is top. Mostly.
That is so sweet of you.
You managed, that's the point.Adults living with parents is more common in Europe than in the US... well, in the past, anyway. I couldn't do it. The last time I lived with my parents was when I was 17. My graduation ceremony from high school was on a Saturday, and on Monday, my parents moved to Houston, and I was on my own. I couldn't get an apartment at the time, because you have to be 18 to sign a contract in the US. I slept in the guest room of some friend's house for a couple of months, then moved to the Dallas to go to college, where I lived in a dormitory.
Sorry to hear about your "difficult discussion." That splash of "ice cold water" doesn't sound good. I hope things work out. Hopefully it is just the pain talking. But, you gotta' do what you gotta' do.
I would not read anything into that. Usually I don't stereotype, but on this occasion, I'm going to say that's a very "guy" thing to say, and it's more about him saying "I would not want to be a burden to you," and it in no way means "...so therefore, I would never expect to be burdened by you."You managed, that's the point.
It is not easy to live with the parents, surely, I don't know much details, but it is their thing...
It is not considered 'standard' here either, but it happens.
Yeah, well, I was sad for unable to see him for another 4 weeks, I mean, one gets to see sick people and recovering People too. I do not expect him to play rugby...
Basically he said , it could have been that we never meet again. And I was like What???
This is not a life threatening surgery!!
Well no, but if I got paralyzed (disabled), what would you do with me, you need to enjoy life and care for your kid.
After some silence, tears and being lost...
Me: Oh, so if a car hits me, and I get disabled you will delete our relationship?
It wont hit you, do not exxagerate...says he.
But it is the same principle.
Anyways, I hope it is texting under pain, adrenaline and all...but if it is not, it gets into the red flag basket.
I am not interested at this point in any less than prospect of a future together, in sickness and in health.
I don't know.
As you say, you gotta what you gotta...we shall see...