The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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One of their in-house "doctors," sitting in some office in Austin, decided that my own doctors shouldn't have sent me to the hospital.

Bear in mind that this is the USA, where healthcare is a "for-profit" business. BCBS of Texas netted $4.1-BILLION dollars in profits in 2018.


Didn't the hospital get approval before/as you were being admitted? If they did, oh well for BCBS. If they didn't, oh well for the hospital and they will need to fight it out. Insurance companies require preapproval for all but emergency admissions, but even with those require approval within 24 hours at most.

Craig had to have a very expensive nuclear test done once as an outpatient. Even with decent insurance, our copay was nearly $1000 payable at time of testing. I made sure everything got done correctly on our part and documented. The facility didn't. Not only did the insurance company eventually not pay them, they also made them refund the copay, so he ended up getting the test for free. The facility didn't follow the rules/procedures. If they had, they would have gotten paid.
What'd insurance do? Sent a hundreds-of-pages-long PDF to my phone, told me to look it up in there, but really, they'd make a determination once the hospital submitted the charge, so maybe it would be, maybe it wouldn't. Thankfully, it was, but that's no way to do business - "get the procedure done and we'll see."

I am so thankful for the NHS. Yesterday at 8pm there was nationwide applause for the work they are doing right now. Everyone who could, stood at their front doors, or opened windows, stood on balconies etc. and clapped or banged saucepans with spoons. Most of my street seemed to join in. It was quite extraordinary to witness.
I am so thankful for the NHS. Yesterday at 8pm there was nationwide applause for the work they are doing right now. Everyone who could, stood at their front doors, or opened windows, stood on balconies etc. and clapped or banged saucepans with spoons. Most of my street seemed to join in. It was quite extraordinary to witness.
Here, while we're going through the universal healthcare debate, naysayers will point at the UK and Canada and say things like, "Do you want to get cancer and have to wait three years to even see a doctor? Wait three years to use one of the six MRI machines they have in the whole country? Because that's what national healthcare is!"

Fortunately, we at least know better, because we've both received healthcare in countries with national schemes, and it's been fine in our experience.
Had a nice exchange with my niece yesterday.

We're somewhat simpatico, though we do like to tease each other a bit. She's early 30's, likes to cook more as a means to an end (she likes to control what goes in her body), and I'm always preaching the joy of the act of cooking as much as the eating afterwards.

She has a couple of convenience items, like an Instant Pot and a bread machine, she chides me for not having those, and I tell her she needs a Dutch oven and to knead some dough by hand. :)

Anyway, she never had any interest in cooking when she was a kid, and her mom was an excellent cook, did a lot of catering. Unfortunately, her mom died at a young age, when my niece was in her early 20's, still in school, and not cooking anything.

Yesterday, she sent me a pic of some no-knead bread dough. She was finally making bread from scratch and by hand.

She, of course, had 1001 questions about the dough being sticky, and what to do since she didn't have a Dutch oven, and how to adjust the bake time, etc, and I also offered some unsolicited further advice along the way.

At the end of it, her bread came out really nicely, and the last text she sent was, "Thanks a lot for your help! I never got the chance to learn this stuff from my mom, so I'm glad I have you!"

Not gonna lie...put a little lump in my throat. 😪
Had a nice exchange with my niece yesterday.

We're somewhat simpatico, though we do like to tease each other a bit. She's early 30's, likes to cook more as a means to an end (she likes to control what goes in her body), and I'm always preaching the joy of the act of cooking as much as the eating afterwards.

She has a couple of convenience items, like an Instant Pot and a bread machine, she chides me for not having those, and I tell her she needs a Dutch oven and to knead some dough by hand. :)

Anyway, she never had any interest in cooking when she was a kid, and her mom was an excellent cook, did a lot of catering. Unfortunately, her mom died at a young age, when my niece was in her early 20's, still in school, and not cooking anything.

Yesterday, she sent me a pic of some no-knead bread dough. She was finally making bread from scratch and by hand.

She, of course, had 1001 questions about the dough being sticky, and what to do since she didn't have a Dutch oven, and how to adjust the bake time, etc, and I also offered some unsolicited further advice along the way.

At the end of it, her bread came out really nicely, and the last text she sent was, "Thanks a lot for your help! I never got the chance to learn this stuff from my mom, so I'm glad I have you!"

Not gonna lie...put a little lump in my throat. 😪
She learn now!
Sarana x
Had a nice exchange with my niece yesterday.

We're somewhat simpatico, though we do like to tease each other a bit. She's early 30's, likes to cook more as a means to an end (she likes to control what goes in her body), and I'm always preaching the joy of the act of cooking as much as the eating afterwards.

She has a couple of convenience items, like an Instant Pot and a bread machine, she chides me for not having those, and I tell her she needs a Dutch oven and to knead some dough by hand. :)

Anyway, she never had any interest in cooking when she was a kid, and her mom was an excellent cook, did a lot of catering. Unfortunately, her mom died at a young age, when my niece was in her early 20's, still in school, and not cooking anything.

Yesterday, she sent me a pic of some no-knead bread dough. She was finally making bread from scratch and by hand.

She, of course, had 1001 questions about the dough being sticky, and what to do since she didn't have a Dutch oven, and how to adjust the bake time, etc, and I also offered some unsolicited further advice along the way.

At the end of it, her bread came out really nicely, and the last text she sent was, "Thanks a lot for your help! I never got the chance to learn this stuff from my mom, so I'm glad I have you!"

Not gonna lie...put a little lump in my throat. 😪

Last night we watched DVD Jo Jo rabbit. Daughter bought it and said its very good. It won an Oscar.
The guy that did the whole thing is very talented. His movie "boy" is very funny, well I thought so.
But the movie last night is about adolph hitler as well?? Kind of. It was funny, but I'm prolly a bit sensitive about WWII knowing my grandfather was a p.o.w.
Kind of didn't enjoy as well. A bit of Anne frank storyline as well!!
Worth a watch ?

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