The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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From the looks of things it's moving away from you to the NE?
But there is another to your SE.

I hope so. The grass needs rain and it might get temperatures down a bit. Its been horribly hot all day. Third hottest day on record in the UK I think I heard. I just stay put indoors with a fan blowing straight at me.
Sat morning here, my syndicate bet again. We have a group of us that put $5 in every week, and take turns to bet, you spend $45 and have to get 45 back, or the next person takes over. The third week you have to double it to stop people betting on favourite. It's my third week so I have to get $90 back. We pay our winnings out at Xmas, it comes in handy.
So I need to sort my bets out today.
Cruisy day at home then shopping for the week.

Yay! I just placed an order with Amazon, and it's all kitchen stuff.
Same here, I love a good thunderstorm and enjoy sitting out on the porch as they roll through.

Blasted smoke alarm went off again at about midnight. I just disconnected it from the ceiling, threw it in the garage, and went back to bed. Maybe it's time for the backup battery to be changed.

I swear, in 35 years of living on my own, I've never, not once, had a smoke alarm chirp or go off during the day. Always in the middle of the fuc...bloody night. Some jerk must have hard-coded that into the device. 😡

Yup! They are designed to go bad between 11PM and 4AM.

I was staying on a low-rent hotel (my customer booked it), and the smoke alarm started beeping around 2AM. I couldn't reach it. I had to knock it off the ceiling with the ironing board from the closet. I threw it in the trunk of my rental car for the rest of the night. I gave the remains to the hotel manager in the morning with the words, "Don't even THINK about charging me for this." He didn't charge me (but he probably thought about it).

I hope so. The grass needs rain and it might get temperatures down a bit. Its been horribly hot all day. Third hottest day on record in the UK I think I heard. I just stay put indoors with a fan blowing straight at me.

I read London is as hot as Atlanta or Miami right now. :heat:

I woke up during the night to go to the loo, as I got out of bed my right calf muscle decided to cramp up, not easy trying to hobble out of a very dark bedroom whilst squealing and trying (unsuccessfully) not to wake TVC :(
Did you guys see the devastation in Beirut just now?
A chemical factory exploded killing and injuring at least 3000 people. It looks apocalyptic. Shocked. They don't know if it's an accident or attack yet 😔

Just watched on CNN, biggest peace time explosion ever!! Wtf. The blowing out and then the sucking in as oxygen explodes? They showed footage from people's apartments, man it was big!!

We had a house explode here last year about 15 miles away, our French doors rattled, I said to my wife I thought it was a quake? It was the explosion. No one was killed luckily. The gas contractor has been charged, the house is gone.

Did you guys see the devastation in Beirut just now?
A chemical factory exploded killing and injuring at least 3000 people. It looks apocalyptic. Shocked. They don't know if it's an accident or attack yet 😔

Yeah. I saw video of the main explosion. I've only seen a blast wave that big and solid once before. That was a fertilizer plant in the city of West, Texas. It leveled half the town. Makes me wonder what the plant in Beirut was making.

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