Forum GOD!
Not a new issue though that they don’t tell people what they’re doing till the last minute though is it. During Covid uni’s were almost 100% online and yet it’s the same sort of twaddle for why everything’s so last minute since time immemorial.I'm guessing there are third party issues with online exam proctoring and such issues, plus I know that the school of IT want to move away from proctored exams online. I know when the exams will be within a 10 days time period. I just don't know exactly which day and at what time they are which is what he wants to know. My only exam experience so far has both exams at the start of the 10 day period which meant I had almost 2 weeks off but less revision time... he wants to know if that will happen again so he can book a mid week flight. The flights alone will set us back about £5,000 (AU$9,000-10,000).
Just irritates me, people have jobs and commitments that don’t flex to dancing around inconsiderate disorganisation. Like for you with a need to come home and these super expensive flights. It’s uncaring.
Anyway really hope you get your timetable sooner rather than later. Is Mr SNSSO able to take time off at the last minute?