The Kalonji/Nigella Experiment

I am pretty certain I have celery seeds, but I will double check.

This is a very poor photo I'm afraid. I soaked the seeds for several hours in turmeric and water to see what difference it made to colour. To the naked eye the ones that most resembled the green seeds in @Yorky 's dish were the green cardamom - they were more the right shape (plumper and squarer) and greenish. But I think if @Yorky had used that many cardamom he would most certainly remember de-podding them! Might be an interesting dish to try though.The fennel seeds took on a similar colour to the ones in Yorky's photo but are too large and the wrong shape.

Clockwise from the top kalonji, fennel, aijwan,cardamom.

I don't think that I've ever "de-podded" green cardamoms - I just usually snip the ends off. I've de-podded blacks though but I normally left that to my ex mother-in-law.
So is it to shake out the seeds - or are you putting pods in whole?

The pods go in whole. One has to assume that the liquid has access to the seeds during the cooking process. I take the pods out before serving or ensure that they are isolated during consumption. They are very bitter if you bite into one.

I believe I do have a little used recipe where the full pods are ground to a powder but I cannot remember for which dish.
I do put them in whole and don't remove them. I hadn't noticed the bitterness - they look quite attractive too. But I think we have established that the green seeds aren't cardamom despite the shape being similar. I'm stumped.
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