The Madness Begins At Midnight!


1 Dec 2017
Local time
4:50 PM
SE Florida
Starting at midnight tonight and running trough midnight Thursday, the two day sportsman lobster season is here. Also known as mini-season. It is a race to see how many red circles with a red line through them will be placed over lobster images or diver images? "Bug Fever" can spark many, for lack of a better term, idiots to enter the water for the first time since regular lobster season ended March 31st at midnight. Scuba diving is a little more complex than riding a bicycle, especially with the extra task loading of lobster catching equipment. I hated driving a 24 passenger dive boat during this madness. The regular season starts August 6th, with plenty of time before closing the end of March.
Starting at midnight tonight and running trough midnight Thursday, the two day sportsman lobster season is here. Also known as mini-season. It is a race to see how many red circles with a red line through them will be placed over lobster images or diver images? "Bug Fever" can spark many, for lack of a better term, idiots to enter the water for the first time since regular lobster season ended March 31st at midnight. Scuba diving is a little more complex than riding a bicycle, especially with the extra task loading of lobster catching equipment. I hated driving a 24 passenger dive boat during this madness. The regular season starts August 6th, with plenty of time before closing the end of March.
I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Explanation needed here please, I'm aware of lobsters over there but the rest ????

Mini season is when sport divers get the chance to catch lobster before commercial fisherman can place their traps.

We've seen it where you can practically walk from boat to boat in popular places because so many are anchored in place. There are also at least a few deaths every year because of sheer stupidity of novice divers thinking they know everything and/or simply out of shape/age of divers that have heart attacks or strokes because of over exertion.

Then, there are also those that don't think laws and bag/catch limits apply to them... and they make the local news when they get arrested.
Mini season is when sport divers get the chance to catch lobster before commercial fisherman can place their traps.

We've seen it where you can practically walk from boat to boat in popular places because so many are anchored in place. There are also at least a few deaths every year because of sheer stupidity of novice divers thinking they know everything and/or simply out of shape/age of divers that have heart attacks or strokes because of over exertion.

Then, there are also those that don't think laws and bag/catch limits apply to them... and they make the local news when they get arrested.

Thanks, that's crazy, I've never heard of anything like it. Our whitebait seasons are strictly enforced to the minute. Crays here are at any time but size limits apply and you can't take females.

My bad! I thought that dive store had it wrong. The sport season was yesterday and today, the last Wednesday and Thursday of July. Don't know the number of lobster taken, but as of now 3 dead divers.
I have had the lobster add-on on my fishing license since my first fishing license 10 yrs ago, but I have never gone lobstering for fear of the idiots in boats who have more dollars than sense. Especially since I fish/travel via Kayak.
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