The relaxing non judgemental random thoughts thread

I like tattoos but on other people's bodies lol. I've thought long and hard about getting one, and I know what design I would have and where I would have it, but I'm pretty sure I'll get tired of it, as I tend to get tired of almost everything and everyone every now and then.

I don't like the "tattooed all over" look, but I love seeing people with sleeves (the entire arm tattooed), and I love the so called "tramp stamp" and I would get one but it has the wrong connotation lol personally I think it looks sexy.
Well Lissa, I think that it's probably sexy on someone under 40, but as people age and the skin stretches, maybe not so much then, eh?

My cousin's wife in AZ got her tattoo on her belly before she met my cousin. She swore she was never getting married or having kids (they have 2 kids). She really regrets it now.
We loved the Canadians when we spent 10 days in Vancouver. Our concierge got us good restaurant seats for the world fireworks champs on the harbor in 98. Loved the squirrels.

We have a few Canadian black squirrels here. Otherwise ours are grey or brown.
I have insomnia on and off since I've been a teenager. I have sleep onset insomnia, where I may be extremely tired and feeling sleepy but when I go to bed I can't fall asleep. It happens to me every now and then, and it's horrible.

Something I've tried and that actually worked was my own, homemade version of cognitive behavior therapy for insomnia. It should be done by a therapist, but there are tons of greay tips online, anf they did work for me but they are cumbersome. The most challenging parts for me are not reading on bed, reading in dim lit before bed and not looking at my phone when I'm bed - I swear I can't fall asleep without a bit of doomscrolling first lol I only do this now when I have my insomnia crisis, not everyday.
I like Ketel One vodka or my husband's homemade red wine. It usually gets me to sleep but doesn't keep me there long enough, unfortunately.

I can't stand my neighbor's dogs. They are almost as loud as his wife, LOL. I can hear her screaming at the kids (and her husband) from inside her house, and they live 2 houses down.
When you think you've had enough, have 1 more glass. I have trouble sleeping , if I didn't have al kahole I'd be awake all night.

Well Lissa, I think that it's probably sexy on someone under 40, but as people age and the skin stretches, maybe not so much then, eh?

My cousin's wife in AZ got her tattoo on her belly before she met my cousin. She swore she was never getting married or having kids (they have 2 kids). She really regrets it now.
That is true!! 😁 I think some of these tattooed people are going to look kind of odd once they're past a certain age. And I like the idea of being one of the few people my age who doesn't have a tattoo. My plan is donating my body to the local medical college when I die, and I think the students are going to find it really interesting to see a tattoo-free body at that time 😃
That is true!! 😁 I think some of these tattooed people are going to look kind of odd once they're past a certain age. And I like the idea of being one of the few people my age who doesn't have a tattoo. My plan is donating my body to the local medical college when I die, and I think the students are going to find it really interesting to see a tattoo-free body at that time 😃
I Know 2 people that donated their bodies to science. It was because they died penniless.


I Know 2 people that donated their bodies to science. It was because they died penniless.

I'd really like to do it. I like the idea of my body being useful after I die. I think funerals are useless, bunch of people that never bother to visit you when you're alive come to your funeral just to look good, usually only a handful of people are genuinely sad the rest take the opportunity to mingle and families spend bunch of money that coule be spent on something more useful for the living. I really don't see any use in funerals.
JAS_OH1 spoke of her annoying nighbour. 2 doors down from me these a weird family. Kids all have adhd and dads an oddball. 30 dec here 2 weeks ago at 11 at night he decided to have s fire in his drum burning paper. I saw embers in the air and smelt the smoke as wind was blowing my way.
I opened upstairs window and yelled "are you trying to burn my f... house down, you clown put it out or I'm ringing the fire brigade "
He poured water on it and put it out.
And slipped inside quietly.
He hasn't done it again . In fact I dont think he will again.

I'm an organ donor, but I wouldt care if they sent my corpse to student doctors for practice. I've thought about it.
Here in Portugal organ donation is an opt-out thing, everyone is automatically a donor and you need to say it if you don't want to be a donor, but this only applies to people who die in paliative care settings. So if you die for example at home, or in an accident, your organs aren't automatically used for donation. If you die in a paliative care unit, they are. Still, families can oppose this, and they can even oppose your desire to donate your body to a medical college, and while this is illegal, I've heard hospitals usually take the easy way out and do what the families want, not what the deceased wanted.
I'm an organ donor, but I wouldt care if they sent my corpse to student doctors for practice. I've thought about it.
Lol, I'm have a funeral and people will come just to make sure I'm dead
I'd really like to do it. I like the idea of my body being useful after I die. I think funerals are useless, bunch of people that never bother to visit you when you're alive come to your funeral just to look good, usually only a handful of people are genuinely sad the rest take the opportunity to mingle and families spend bunch of money that coule be spent on something more useful for the living. I really don't see any use in funerals.
I'd really like to do it. I like the idea of my body being useful after I die. I think funerals are useless, bunch of people that never bother to visit you when you're alive come to your funeral just to look good, usually only a handful of people are genuinely sad the rest take the opportunity to mingle and families spend bunch of money that coule be spent on something more useful for the living. I really don't see any use in funerals.
Totally agree.

I took anatomy in college and hated cutting on cadavers. It was gross. I made my male lab partner do it. I had the book smarts so I taught him the names of the organs while he did the cutting, so we both made A's The smell of formaldehyde is the worst.
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