The relaxing non judgemental random thoughts thread

My friend posted this on Facebook, I really like it and I think you will too: View attachment 101738
Interestingly, after living in Ohio for 24 years, I have friends in Florida who I don't see or talk to often, but when we do catch up, it's like no time has passed. Yes there's much to catch up with but the same easy going camaraderie is still there!
Absolutely no one thinks you are a bad friend. I know that you have serious health issues that cause you fatigue (both mentally and physically) and I can only imagine that the heat makes it worse. So, when you don't have the energy to email or PM me, I never think badly of you. Please don't further stress yourself out, we love you!
Thanks a lot, that makes me feel a lot better 🥰
Thinking of my friends who have died. Fondness and sadness.

A few years ago I came across an old school photo. From memory class of 24?
9 dead cancer suicide car crash motorcycle crash 1 guy I was doing milk
Delivery to classrooms (free milk for kids week days) the t handle of the trolley we were using hit him on the temple. Died in his sleep. Another girl about 18 went to bed and died of aneurism.
Scarey really.

I'm sleeping in "my" room at my brother's house in Houston, Texas. When mom died in 2015 this 5 bedroom house of his had minimal furniture. No one else needed her furniture (which included some very nice antiques) so the rest of us decided he should have it. He rented a U-haul truck and my husband and he loaded it up to take it from Tallahassee, Florida to Houston with my sister and I following behind them. Her pillow top bed, dresser, and armoire are in my room here so I always feel very close to her when I visit.
I'm sleeping in "my" room at my brother's house in Houston, Texas. When mom died in 2015 this 5 bedroom house of his had minimal furniture. No one else needed her furniture (which included some very nice antiques) so the rest of us decided he should have it. He rented a U-haul truck and my husband and he loaded it up to take it from Tallahassee, Florida to Houston with my sister and I following behind them. Her pillow top bed, dresser, and armoire are in my room here so I always feel very close to her when I visit.
That’s rather lovely ❤️
That’s really sweet, JAS_OH1!

My rant for today: what on earth makes someone think it’s ok to watch videos on their phone with the volume up and no headphones, on the QUIET SECTION of the train?!?!

I personally think it’s jerk behaviour to not use headphones in public in general, but if you want to listen to loud videos - the quiet section of the train is NOT the place to do it!

(On my regular train, which I’m not on today, there a lady who will 100% tell you off for talking in the quiet zone. I miss her today).
I’m experimenting the joy to say “NO” more often and not feeling guilty for this.
There’s an old saying I like to employ when I tell someone no and they push back with “Well, why not?!”

I tell them, “‘No’ is a complete sentence,” and walk away/change the subject. Works a treat!

Don’t get trapped into too many explanations - some people see that as an opportunity to negotiate. Shut ‘em down! :wink:
Don’t get trapped into too many explanations - some people see that as an opportunity to negotiate. Shut

That’s the second part I’m struggling to face. I know some people use that ss an opportunity to negotiate and I give it anyway but with NO in my head. It’s only a matter of time and a new habit since people are not used to see me as a person who says NO.
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That’s the second part I’m struggling to face. I know some people use that ss an opportunity to negotiate and I give it anyway but with NO in my head. It’s only a matter of time and a new habit since people are not used to see me as a person who says NO.
My SIL used to be terrible about badgering/bullying people into saying yes to whatever she wanted, but I put a stop to that, for the most part, while MrsT and I were still dating.

She’d say something like “Wouldn’t you two looooove to watch Kyle and Stevie this weekend? I’ve been working so hard, I’d like a break…you know, single mom and two jobs…”

That was the pity laid on for extra effect. :laugh:

We’d say no, not really, and then it would start:

“Well why not?!”
MrsT would say something like, “We’re going to the movies tonight,” and then her sis would pop back with, “Kyle and Stevie would loooooove to go to the movies!” - then she’d try and force it by saying, “Kyle! Stevie! You’d looooove to go to the movies tonight with your aunt, wouldn’t you?!” - getting the kids in on it.

At that point, I’d always just say, “Nope. We have other plans.” - but she’d keep picking at MrsT, until I’d finally have to bellow, “MAGGIE!!! NO!!! NOT HAPPENING!!! WATCH YOUR OWN DAMN KIDS!!!” and that would finally shut her up…until the follow weekend. :laugh:
There’s an old saying I like to employ when I tell someone no and they push back with “Well, why not?!”

I tell them, “‘No’ is a complete sentence,” and walk away/change the subject. Works a treat!

Don’t get trapped into too many explanations - some people see that as an opportunity to negotiate. Shut ‘em down! :wink:
I found when I became a stepmom it was ultra important to say no and stick to it. Early on my step kids figured it out and they wouldn't badger me, whine, plead, etc. Their father, on the other hand, was a target for begging and harassment and about half the time he would relent, then get pissed off when he got the repercussions from saying no...and one daughter as an adult still tries to manipulate occasionally and then gives him the silent treatment when she can't get her way (usually it's financially related).

Maybe that's why some people are manipulative and bullying as adults? Because they were able to browbeat their parents growing up and continued to do so to them and other people as adults?
What causes allergies? My boss has loads and whilst at the allergy place for update testing, turns out she is now allergic to peaches which seemed to appear out of nowhere.
What causes allergies? My boss has loads and whilst at the allergy place for update testing, turns out she is now allergic to peaches which seemed to appear out of nowhere.
I'm not certain about the cause of food allergies. I know I've had respiratory allergies my entire life. I'm allergic to pollen, dust, mold, and pet dander (and perhaps some people, lol). I have to take pills and use eye drops and nasal spray. It's annoying. Thank goodness there are no food allergies for me. Those can be quite serious. That and bug bites.
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