The world’s obsession with cheese


Active Member
28 Jan 2023
Local time
6:19 PM
1st off i don't like cheese and yes i do know most people do like it so i get it to some degree
but the entire world has some kinda weird love of the stuff !! it seems like no one can cook without it anymore , i even saw a vidieo of some guy putting cheese on spare ribs, thats just going to far !!!
when was the last time you saw a cooking show that they didn't dump a ton of cheese on everything they cooked
my wife likes cheese but she doesn't put it in every dish
its like as long as you smother the dish in cheese it has to taste good no matter how bad you screw up the rest of it
i know i will catch a lot of flax from this post so go ahead give me your best shot
1st off i don't like cheese and yes i do know most people do like it so i get it to some degree
but the entire world has some kinda weird love of the stuff !! it seems like no one can cook without it anymore , i even saw a vidieo of some guy putting cheese on spare ribs, thats just going to far !!!
when was the last time you saw a cooking show that they didn't dump a ton of cheese on everything they cooked
my wife likes cheese but she doesn't put it in every dish
its like as long as you smother the dish in cheese it has to taste good no matter how bad you screw up the rest of it
i know i will catch a lot of flax from this post so go ahead give me your best shot

I had cheese on a burger once around 1962. Never had a burger with cheese since.

I like cauliflower cheese and cheese on toast and cheese as part of a ploughman's lunch. And sometimes with crackers.

[Edit: And I am reminded that cheese belongs in quesadillas and on pizzas! Doh! How did I forget those?]
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the world at large assumes that everyone likes cheese but thats simply not the case
cheese like any other ingredient has its uses but it also has its limits
I believe you are the only person I know that doesn't like cheese. :scratchhead: I love cheese, but I would never think of putting it on ribs. :eek:

I use cheese for things that typically call for it. Things like cheeseburgers, omelets, and of course quesadillas -- otherwise, it's not a quesadilla. I love a good mac and cheese. I also like to snack on some cheese and crackers. But, there's nothing new or trendy about any of that.

I believe you are the only person I know that doesn't like cheese. :scratchhead: I love cheese, but I would never think of putting it on ribs. :eek:

I use cheese for things that typically call for it. Things like cheeseburgers, omelets, and of course quesadillas -- otherwise, it's not a quesadilla. I love a good mac and cheese. I also like to snack on some cheese and crackers. But, there's nothing new or trendy about any of that.

I put cheddar in my meatloaf and mac salad.
i know its standard on many dishes but its over used in todays world ,
and by the way i am not the only one that does not like cheese
once when i lived in New Orleans they built a new pizza joint near where i lived and i was one of the 1st customers , when i ordered a sausage and pepperoni pizzza with 0 cheese on it, the guy behind the counter looked at me like i had lost my mind but they made it the way i wanted it , after 2-3 weeks i went back again and the same guy waited on me and told me that there had been several people order cheeseless pizzia's since i had been there. i personally know at least a couple of other people that don't like cheese or will only eat one kind
i know its standard on many dishes but its over used in todays world ,
and by the way i am not the only one that does not like cheese
once when i lived in New Orleans they built a new pizza joint near where i lived and i was one of the 1st customers , when i ordered a sausage and pepperoni pizzza with 0 cheese on it, the guy behind the counter looked at me like i had lost my mind but they made it the way i wanted it , after 2-3 weeks i went back again and the same guy waited on me and told me that there had been several people order cheeseless pizzia's since i had been there. i personally know at least a couple of other people that don't like cheese or will only eat one kind
We don’t have the cheese on everything thing going on here.. yet!

I also like a cheeseless pizza but I need double passata/toppings or it’s just too dry. Dry tomato bread ain’t my bag!
If we get pizza delivered (that’s rare because it’s not good) I ask for cheeseless and and my own because it’s so much better with quality cheese!
awhile back i was at a freinds house for dinner and he was frying some potatos and i was watching him thinking "man that looks good " then out of the blue he dumped a handful of cheese on them totally ruined them for me!!!
whenever we have guests over for dinner we make it a point to find out thier like and dislikes and tailor the meal to something they like , we don't assume anything ,
we must be doing something right because we feed a lot of people
To be fair cheese is not popular in Asia. You won't find any on your Peking duck or in your pot stickers. The Asian palate doesn't think much of soured milk.

Now if you will excuse me I have a chunk of blueberry Wensleydale waiting for me in the fridge. I put some cheddar on my breakfast omelet this morning and a schmear of Philadelphia cream cheese on my afternoon bagel snack. I have some nice Swiss Gruyere that I intend to add to a batch of French Onion soup on the schedule for tomorrow.
i never liked the smell of it or the taste of it , and i think you touched on part of why i never liked it
it is made from spoiled milk and i aint eating nothing thats spoiled
i never liked the smell of it or the taste of it , and i think you touched on part of why i never liked it
it is made from spoiled milk and i aint eating nothing thats spoiled

I gotta' say it sounds like you are more obsessed with cheese than the rest of us. :scratchhead:

yea i guess i am when i order a hamburger and get a cheese burger !!!!
which is almost everytime i order a hamburger
I love some others said, some dishes call for it..No problem. Most cheese I consume is just eating it with bread or some kind of cracker..Smelly blues, ripe soft cheeses, crumbly old cheddars..bring it on...
i totally believe that a lot of cooks hide their mistakes by simply filling it with cheese
after all if has cheese how can it be bad right .......wrong !!!!!
i totally believe that a lot of cooks hide their mistakes by simply filling it with cheese
after all if has cheese how can it be bad right .......wrong !!!!!
I love cheese. I absolutely adore cheese. There is nothing more glorious than a Brie de Meaux which is so runny, you have to chase it across the table. A magnificent Stilton which pairs perfectly with a vintage Port. An extraordinary Petit Livarot which smells like old socks, but tastes positively divine. I need cheese at all times. In fact, if I didn't have cheese, then life would not be the same.
You are the first person I have ever known who doesn't like cheese, and it may be that you were raised on Kraft Singles, which would explain your dislike.:hyper::hyper::cool: The very fact you don't like cheese is as astounding as a Mexican who doesn't eat chiles, A Texan who doesn't eat beef, and a Chinese who hates soy sauce.
However, neither the Chinese people, nor the Koreans, the Japanese, the Indonesians, the Vietnamese, the Arab population of the Middle East nor the population of India have any particular affinity for cheese. That accounts for more than 75% of the world's population.
I've seen loads and loads of cooking shows that don't even mention cheese, so maybe you need to switch channels :cool:
You are absolutely spot on, however, when you assert that filling dishes with cheese is a way of hiding errors. I mean, why spoil perfectly good macaroni by slathering it with cheese sauce??:laugh::laugh::laugh:
( Only kidding GOM! It's perfectly acceptable to dislike, or even hate food items. My wife abhors onions. My son thinks BBQ is a vegetable. My sister eats omelettes in Indian restaurants. You only have one life, so eat what you like!👍👍👍)
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