There’s a special place in hell for…


Nosh 'n' Splosh
Staff member
15 Jul 2019
Local time
12:41 AM
Ohio, US
The title of this topic is a common phrase where I live, and I assume all over the country here, but in case it isn’t where you live, it’s a phrase frequently uttered when someone does something monumentally annoying, either out of intentional inconsiderate, or just simple cluelessness.

It’s not for the mundane, everyday nuisances, it’s for that next-level irritation, the one that poisons the rest of your day.

Here’s mine:

There’s a special place in hell for…coworkers who intentionally schedule routine, non-emergency meetings over the accepted lunch hour.

Let’s hear some of yours.
People in the express lane at the grocery store with a *full* buggy.
I have a story about that.

Years ago, long before self-checkout, I was at Kroger doing my main shopping for the week, and I got in the appropriate lane for my full cart when…the express lane next to me cleared out.

The woman working the register waved me over, saying she could check me through.

“You sure?”
“Yep, no one else is waiting, c’mon over.”

No sooner had I scooted over and gotten just a couple of items unloaded, someone with just a couple of things stepped in behind me.

“You know,” she stage-whispered to no one in particular, “One thing I really hate is when people abuse the express lane!”

“I’m sorry,” I apologized, “But the checkout was open and she called me over. Otherwise, I would still be over in that lane.”

I looked back over my shoulder at the checkout woman, expecting some corroboration, and all she did was shrug her shoulders and say, “Well, he’s here now, not much anyone can do.” - making it sound like I’d crashed the line! :laugh:
There's a special place in hell for...

Folks who insist upon driving there cars in the "fast lane" (here in the USA it's the left hand lane of traffic) and driving maybe 15-20MPH UNDER the speed limit - that's called the SLOW LANE, MOVE THE *BLEEP* OVER!!!

One more on driving, there comes a time in everyone's lives when they just have to give up the keys to the car! You get to be a danger to the other competent drivers on the roadway.
People who keep turning the light on and having phone conversations all night long in communal hospital rooms. Will be quite relevant for me soon I am afraid.
Last time I had someone with Dementia in our room who went in and out of bed all night , speaking loudly to no one in particular and with the volume on their phone dialed up to max all night with 'soothing' music that kept everyone else awake all night despite the nurses efforts. When he was wheeled away in the morning the rest of us collectively agreed that we could finally have some sleep..
Folks who insist upon driving there cars in the "fast lane" (here in the USA it's the left hand lane of traffic) and driving maybe 15-20MPH UNDER the speed limit - that's called the SLOW LANE, MOVE THE *BLEEP* OVER!!!
You’d hate Minnesota for sure, where both/all the lanes have cars going 60mph in a 70mph stretch, blocking everyone, so there’s a line of 300 cars behind them - it even has a name, the notorious “Minnesota Wedge.”
There's a special place in hell for...

people who use the self-check out - and don't know how the 'scan' thing works -
and are instantly frozen in place by "Enter the PLU" -
and after 3-4-10 visits by the 10 minute "I'll be right there" attendant . . .
cannot figure out which slot and/or which way the credit card has to go into, the all one slot . . .

it is not unknown I move from self-checkout to a manned/personed? station when the self-crowd is especially uhmmm, incapable...

curiously - our local Weis market has Toshiba self check out - you put your produce/whatever on the scale, there is a built in camera that then 'presents' the most applicable 'icon' to touch. it is amazingly accurate - even loose asparagus in a plastic bag.
actually, I don't recall it has ever failed to correctly identify and present the proper icon - one exception: organic vs . . .
hmmm, need to test it with a variety of apples . . . that could be an issue . . .
People who get to the checkout and do one (or all) of three things:
1) get everything checked out and then say "Oh, I haven't got that much to pay... can you take off the tomatoes? Oooh, and the cabbage as well?...
2) get to the checkout and, half way through "ooooh, I forgot the wine! I won't be a tick!" (10 minutes later)
3) get checked out "That's $75,63" then plant their bag on the checkout and spend 5 minutes rummaging through a bag to find a purse, then another 5 minutes to decide whether it's cash, Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Wise, Diner's Club , Nectar or bitcoins...
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