...and Sunday drivers? You know, those "people" who only take the car out on Sundays, drive down the middle of the road at 20 kph, signal the wrong way, etc??
My dad was always partial to a lazy Saturday drive, and he always tried to stick to backroads (think B roads and single tracks) in order to be able to indulge his whim of meandering unmolested by others who seemed to always be in a race to get somewhere.
We’d turn off the busy state highway, onto a less-populated secondary road…then an even smaller county track…then a little township lane, all to avoid any other people, so he could drive 20mph and he and Mom could casually look out on barns and pastures, old broken-down farm equipment in front of even more broken-down farm houses, and just enjoy a bit of calmness.
It never failed, though - as soon as we’d left the last of civilization behind, nothing but us and the trees and a gurgling little creek along one side, we’d round a little corner and…ZOOM!!!…seemingly out of nowhere, some jerk in a sports car would swoop in and start laying on the horn, on a road with no way to pass and no shoulder.
Dad was a man I’d heard utter a vulgarity just twice in his life, and on one of these occasions was that second time:
“I swear tah the God Almighty,” he spat out in disgust, “If’n I’s goin’ straight tah Hell, some idiot’d be ridin’ my ass all the way there!”