Going grey - I’ll answer for my wife.
As I’ve detailed before, MrsT has hair like the thickest hedge that’s ever hedged. For years, even when we first met, she was getting it touched up, enhancing her natural brown-to-auburn coloring, and she continued to do so right up until just a few years ago.
She frankly got tired of paying $300 a pop to have her hair colored (like I said, it’s thick, so it would take twice the product and three times the time to get it done), and as “Granny hair” was having a moment (meaning, women who weren’t grey having their hair dyed that color), and on the advice of her stylist…she went all natural.
Now, her hair is (no pun intended) fifty shades of grey…and white…and silver…and platinum…it’s like a rainbow in greys, and it looks fantastic, especially when she pulls it back and reveals all the variations underneath. Imagine all the variations of the sun’s rays, from intense orange, bright gold, and pale yellow, then imagine that as a black-and-white image…then multiply the complexity by a thousand. That’s what her hair looks like.
It immediately became her most recognizable feature, and I can attest that in the first 30 years of marriage, no one really made much fuss over her hair, unless the subject specifically came up (because it’s always been thick and healthy), but now, every single tine she goes out, at least one stranger will approach her and say something, like, “Excuse me, but is that your natural hair color? How do you get those streaks? My god, it’s stunning!” - it happened twice yesterday.
Funny thing is…she’s still self-conscious about it, because she’s from that generation that thinks of women with grey hair as old and wrinkled and ugly. She does, though, when she’s meeting clients for the first time say, “You’ll know it’s me when you see a woman with hair that looks like a dandelion about to go to seed.”