Today’s pics (2024)

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Our cat's new sleeping spot. She no longer sleeps on the sofa.

First time I see a praying mantis! Gorgeous indeed ☺️
Beautiful pic!

They’re everywhere here, but they’re masters of camouflage - I have to be careful when dead-heading my flowers, because I’ll get too close to one and it’ll start to move and startle the 💩 out of me.

Did you get to see it turn its head to look at you? Watching a praying mantis slowly turn its triangular head, with those bulbous eyes, is fascinating…and nightmare fodder!
Beautiful pic!

They’re everywhere here, but they’re masters of camouflage - I have to be careful when dead-heading my flowers, because I’ll get too close to one and it’ll start to move and startle the 💩 out of me.

Did you get to see it turn its head to look at you? Watching a praying mantis slowly turn its triangular head, with those bulbous eyes, is fascinating…and nightmare fodder!
It's straight out of 'Alien' isn't it!
Snap, I love Babylon 5
I just watched the whole thing again last year…it’s frightening how much it mirrors what’s going on these days. Either it was amazingly prescient, or humans have always been a-holes!

Talk about a “cursed” show, too. An extraordinarily large number of the cast met with much personal struggle and early deaths.

It was announced that a reboot was coming, but that was during covid, so I don’t know if it got shelved or not.
I just watched the whole thing again last year…it’s frightening how much it mirrors what’s going on these days. Either it was amazingly prescient, or humans have always been a-holes!

Talk about a “cursed” show, too. An extraordinarily large number of the cast met with much personal struggle and early deaths.

It was announced that a reboot was coming, but that was during covid, so I don’t know if it got shelved or not.
So this Babylon 5 thing is worth a watch?
I can watch some seriously low bar stuff when vegging out so where are we talking on the trash scale? 😂
So this Babylon 5 thing is worth a watch?
I can watch some seriously low bar stuff when vegging out so where are we talking on the trash scale? 😂
I think so, yes. Unlike a lot of shows, it was conceived and developed as a set five-year story arc, and that’s what they stuck to, so it doesn’t suffer from being so unpopular they cancelled it midstream with no resolution, or from being so popular, they stuck on extra characters and filler episodes, just to keep the cash cow giving milk.

There was one off-screen development during the first season that had to be dealt with, part of that “cursed show” aspect, but they bounced right through it.

If you make it through the first series cliffhanger, I think you’ll be hooked.
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