Today’s pics (2024)

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Crab art on the beach

From this morning.
The guy who owned (and ran) the place we stayed in was 83!
He only gave up riding 2 years ago, he couldn't part with this one so it lives in the hallway behind the sofa 😂


He was a lot of fun, full of fantastic stories.
He insisted we brought our bikes inside his gates right up to the front door to make loading the bikes easier. How nice!

Thing is although I'd already booked to stay there again in May on our return I'm not sure if I can.


There were a lot of paintings and pictures but not a single one of them was straight.
I was twitching by the time I left 😂
I looked out into my backyard today and saw this adorable tortoiseshell…squirrel?
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I like to imagine it is the product of a torrid love affair between a black squirrel and a red squirrel (we have both).
Thats a very sturdy looking squirrel. I’m wondering are Canadian squirrels different from UK ones?
Ours have a smoother coat and look a bit more well I can’t find the right words but perhaps ‘delicate’ will do!
Thats a very sturdy looking squirrel. I’m wondering are Canadian squirrels different from UK ones?
Ours have a smoother coat and look a bit more well I can’t find the right words but perhaps ‘delicate’ will do!
It’s not as fat as they get sometimes - a few years ago there must have been an abundance of food for squirrels, and they all got to be HUGE!

We have eastern grey squirrels here (although they can actually be either grey or black), and red squirrels (we also have eastern chipmunks). The grey squirrels are much larger and more sturdy-looking than the red squirrels. The red squirrels are smaller, more delicate-looking, and have tufts of fur on their ears. Here’s one outside my window tormenting my cat (pardon my boot blocking the view):
It’s not as fat as they get sometimes - a few years ago there must have been an abundance of food for squirrels, and they all got to be HUGE!

We have eastern grey squirrels here (although they can actually be either grey or black), and red squirrels (we also have eastern chipmunks). The grey squirrels are much larger and more sturdy-looking than the red squirrels. The red squirrels are smaller, more delicate-looking, and have tufts of fur on their ears. Here’s one outside my window tormenting my cat (pardon my boot blocking the view):
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Still looking a bit chunkier but I assume the snow would contribute to that.
Here thats not considered a red squirrel, they are really a bright orangey colour.
Red squirrels nearly disappeared completely from the UK because the grey squirrels coat colour is dominant.

I went to Brownsea Island specifically to see them and wandered around for about 2hours, didn’t see a single one!
But Rick Stein has a restaurant there and the squid ink risotto made up for it.
Then I realised I’d left my toothbrush at home and my entire cake hole was stained black 😝

Weirdest bumper sticker I’ve seen in a while:
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I just spent some time poking around about that - seems the intent is usually to signal an acceptance of the inevitable, an appreciation of the life cycle, and the gratitude to have made it so long in the cycle.

Whew!…I just thought it was morbidly funny!
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