Today’s pics (2024)

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Foggy and I'm not even to the river bottom yet...
Is that you??? I'm the one that'll back in so close on the driver side you'll have to get in on the passenger side. 🤣
I was flabbergasted someone would park like that. The angle was so sharp only a motorcycle would have fit in between his car and the one to the right!

Edit: I just reread your post. There were no parking spaces to the left--his rear was jutting out into the driveway in front of the store so people passing the store had to veer close to the storefront sidewalk to not hit his car.

And wait--what? You thought that was my car? I'll forgive you this time, lol.
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You've not met the Australian approach.

They're the only place I know that thinks a central reservation on a highway through a city is a suitable parking place. They literally slow down, mount the curb with their right hand indicator on and... stop, park up usually at 90° to the road, lock their vehicle and walk off...

It isn't once we've seen this but regularly. And we've met police waving you down and pointing where to park on the central reservation.

Forget the fact you're joining a 100kph dual carriageway when you leave. People just get on with it.

Can you imagine that happening on day the M4? Or other major route into London? This is Canberra the capital of Australia and if you've a 4×4 you just get on with it. If you've a lower city vehicle then you've got to find the dropped curb (usually where the police are standing).
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