Today’s pics

Our cat's new sleeping spot. She no longer sleeps on the sofa.

First time I see a praying mantis! Gorgeous indeed ☺️
Beautiful pic!

They’re everywhere here, but they’re masters of camouflage - I have to be careful when dead-heading my flowers, because I’ll get too close to one and it’ll start to move and startle the 💩 out of me.

Did you get to see it turn its head to look at you? Watching a praying mantis slowly turn its triangular head, with those bulbous eyes, is fascinating…and nightmare fodder!
Beautiful pic!

They’re everywhere here, but they’re masters of camouflage - I have to be careful when dead-heading my flowers, because I’ll get too close to one and it’ll start to move and startle the 💩 out of me.

Did you get to see it turn its head to look at you? Watching a praying mantis slowly turn its triangular head, with those bulbous eyes, is fascinating…and nightmare fodder!
It's straight out of 'Alien' isn't it!
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