Today’s pics

I think so, yes. Unlike a lot of shows, it was conceived and developed as a set five-year story arc, and that’s what they stuck to, so it doesn’t suffer from being so unpopular they cancelled it midstream with no resolution, or from being so popular, they stuck on extra characters and filler episodes, just to keep the cash cow giving milk.

There was one off-screen development during the first season that had to be dealt with, part of that “cursed show” aspect, but they bounced right through it.

If you make it through the first series cliffhanger, I think you’ll be hooked.
That cancelling programs mid series is a shock to Brits.
Not concluding a series over here was unthinkable. It’s rude to the viewers!
I often won’t start watching an American series until I know it’s finished so I know I’m not going to get left hanging.

All Brit progs used to be neatly sewn up by the final episode so you knew there would be the satisfaction of an end.
Like reading a book or watching a play, they have a definite end.
Sometimes they’d leave a little thread open you’d think ooo maybe they’ll be another series.

Now they’re starting to do the thing where they end of the series without finishing the story.
I so hate that. I’ve given over my time to watch their creation, the least they could do is provide a complete experience.
TVC has spoilt me

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