Today's Saying

For Yorky: Short people are the last to know when it rains, and the first to know when somebody farts.
that would make much more sense than my version. I was thinking along the lines that if your actions didn't mirror your beliefs then you have neither actions or beliefs. So in other words you are not faithful to your word and do nothing and hold no belief. Unhappiness would definitely await in those circumstance!
I thought the missing word was 'follow'. This is like a fun quiz game!
I figured it was supposed to read: If your actions don't mirror your beliefs, you have to change either your actions or your beliefs

Mods: Feel free to delete my if it's too :eek:.

A favorite of my Mom: "What the HELL?"
that would make much more sense than my version. I was thinking along the lines that if your actions didn't mirror your beliefs then you have neither actions or beliefs. So in other words you are not faithful to your word and do nothing and hold no belief. Unhappiness would definitely await in those circumstance!
Lynne Guinne was correct.
@classic33, I give full credit to my 6th grade teacher, Miss Liguznski. That woman drilled proper (American) English into us daily: proper punctuation, word usage, editing skills. Every child should have had a "Miss Legs" in their life. ~ She was young, tall, blonde, very attractive...and drove a VW bug. I'm surprised that any of the boys in that class learned anything. :laugh:
@classic33, I give full credit to my 6th grade teacher, Miss Liguznski. That woman drilled proper (American) English into us daily: proper punctuation, word usage, editing skills. Every child should have had a "Miss Legs" in their life. ~ She was young, tall, blonde, very attractive...and drove a VW bug. I'm surprised that any of the boys in that class learned anything. :laugh:
It was said by an Indian, translating an Hindu proverb into english, whilst waiting at a chemists counter.
@classic33, I give full credit to my 6th grade teacher, Miss Liguznski. That woman drilled proper (American) English into us daily: proper punctuation, word usage, editing skills. Every child should have had a "Miss Legs" in their life. ~ She was young, tall, blonde, very attractive...and drove a VW bug. I'm surprised that any of the boys in that class learned anything. :laugh:
We had one at school who was also a martial arts instructor.
Ear all, see all, say nowt, Eat all, sup all, pay nowt.
And if iver tha does owt for nowt - do it for thissen.
My school's motto:

non sine pulvere palma

(There's no brass wi out muck).
Now remember, when things look bad and it looks like you're not gonna make it, then you gotta get mean. I mean plumb, mad-dog mean. 'Cause if you lose your head and you give up then you neither live nor win. That's just the way it is.
Now remember, when things look bad and it looks like you're not gonna make it, then you gotta get mean. I mean plumb, mad-dog mean. 'Cause if you lose your head and you give up then you neither live nor win. That's just the way it is.
Said the coach to the football team?
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