Touch It OR Leave It Alone?


Legendary Member
15 Oct 2012
Local time
6:47 AM
AQUA 87.3%, FATS 3.9%, Cholesterol < 0.3%, Acids: 0.18%Fatty Acids: Arichidonic Acid,
Butyric Acid, Capric Acid, Caproic Acid, Caprylic Acid, Lauric Acid, Linoleic Acid, Linolenic
Acid, Myristic Acid, Oleic Acid, Palmitic Acid, Stearic Acid, Acids 0.18% Citric Acid, Formic
Acid, Acetic Acid, Lactic Acid, Oxalic Butyric Acid 4, Caproic Acid 6, Caprylic Acid 8, Capric
Acid 10, Lauric Acid 12, Myristic Acid 14, Palmitic Acid 16, Stearic Acid 18, Oleic Acid 18:1 (
one double bond), CLA 18:2 (two double bonds), Amino acids: Alanine, Ammonia, Arginine,
Aspartic acid, Cystine, Glycine, Glutamic acid, Histidine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine,
Methionine, Phenylalanine, Proline, Serine, Threonine, Tryptophan, Tyrosine Valine, Non-fat
8.8%, (Casein Proteins (<80%) Alpha s1 (30.6%)Alpha s2 (8.0%), Beta (28.4%), Kappa
(10.1%)), Whey Proteins ((<24%), Alpha Lactalbumin (3.7%), Beta Lactoglobulin (9.8%),
Blood Serum Albumin (<1.3%)), Immuoglobulins ((2.1%), Proteose Peptone (2.4%), Lactose
(4.6%)), Minerals 0.65%, Salts: Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Citrate(Trace), Potassium,
Sodium, Zinc, Chlorine, Iron, Copper, Selenium, Arsenic, Tin, Silicon, Nickel, Molybdenum,
Chromium, Cobalt, Fluoride, Iodine, Manganese, Sulphates, Bicarbonates, Non Protein
Nitrogen(<1.5%) Retinol, (E160a) Carotene, Vitamin D, Cyanocobalamin, Thiamine,
Riboflavin , Cholesterol < 0.3%, Acids: 0.18% Citric, Formic, Acetic, Lactic, Oxalic Butyric
Acid 4, Caproic Acid 6, Caprylic Acid 8, Capric Acid 10, Lauric Acid 12, Myristic Acid 14,
Palmitic Acid 16, Stearic Acid 18, Oleic Acid 18:1 (one double bond), CLA 18:2
(two double bonds)​
I think I will touch it. I see something that tells me about an oil. A cooking oil which is rich is capric, caprilic, linolenic acids. I am also thinking that there is butter or animal fat? What is it?
Since i have no idea what it is and I am not feeling very adventurous today, I think I will leave
it for somebody else to try! :) But I am really curious as to what it could be!
I am leaving it alone until another day. I have quite a lot on my plate today already. If I had to hazard a guess, I would go with Bakemehappy but I honestly don't know for sure. So later for this one....maybe later when the answer is in.
It reads like a break down of either cows milk or goats milk to me!
I see water, fat, milk proteins, omega-6, essential amino acids and a whole host of vitamins and minerals.

Would I touch it? No.
I'm allergic to some of the components and anything with lactose or whey proteins in it yells NO at me!
so come on then, what is it?

From a cow.
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