A few stories, all from today:
1. We went to the sit-down pizza place for a late lunch. The couple in front of us, waiting to be seated…oof! I can think of a word I’d use to describe her, but I won’t say it here.
“Good afternoon, ma’am. How many, please? Two?”
“I wanna sit right there! There! I want that waiter! He’s my waiter!” - all while jabbing a bony four-inch finger at the table she wanted.
Host looks, tables are full.
“I’m so sorry, ma’am. That table, that whole area, is full. I can-“
“Can you move them? That’s where I wanna sit! That’s our regular waiter! And that’s by a window!”
Waitstaff kind of float between restaurants here, and it’s common to request (the key word being “request”) someone if you like them.
The host looked around and said, “Please follow me, ma’am. I will make sure Arseni is your waiter today,” and off they went.
A few minutes later, he came back, and he looked a little annoyed, and MrsT immediately gave him a little wink and said, “Don’t worry, we’ll be easy…whatever you have is fine. Take your time!” - he gave her a little smile and said it was fine.
While he was scratching around on his paper, she added that two unexpected days at sea probably cost him some time off, so she was sorry about that.
“Please, right this way.” - and he deposited us in a big booth, right along the windows, that had just been cleaned off.
We thanked him and he just slipped out a little chuckle and a nod and walked away.
“Where’s that other woman, the one who was demanding everything?”
We looked around and found her and her husband, squashed in at a little table for two, jammed up against the drinks station!
But…Arseni was waiting on them!
Be nice, folks, it really pays.