Trendy Foods: Should We Love Them or Hate Them?

I not amazed how new world wines became de rigueur with the masses. For me they are soulless like multi track CD's..
As for Super foods or health giving foods, I was mentally scared by my mother as a child who force fed me Cod liver oil capsules that always broke open before I could swallow them. But their good for you...... bollocks.

My mother herself was force fed cod liver oil - i suspect they didn't come in capsules then - in her orange juice every morning. Until the day she died, she could not eat ANYTHING with orange in it. Ever. She couldn't even ever abide the scent of orange.

Please never do this to your children!
i suspect they didn't come in capsules then
1959 is my earliest reminiscence of those pearls of puss.
Please never do this to your children!
What do you mean, they would be more effective in disciplining the little angels than the cat 0 nine tails. Added bonus they leave no marks for social workers to pick up on.
I found out I have a problem with the word 'trendy' or at least a distinct dislike for it. It has a rather presumptuous nature in itself, for me is the equivalent of 'I discovered something that was already there but I didn't know about and I'm selling it to you as a new discovery for the world in a cool package'.

Superfood is food. But the prefix 'super' attracts people and business and marketing know it.
I think that the key is in the "how to rejuvenate" something that doesn't really need to be rejuvenate at all.

Just this morning I drank my golden milk with turmeric and I really paid a lot, too much, for a small bottle whose contents filled just over half of my (standard) milk cup. Why did I buy it? Because it was available on the supermarket shelf and because I had not found the turmeric powder. And I admit out of curiosity. I don't think I'll do it anymore. And now I have a very trendy little bottle in the kitchen that I'm going to keep as a decoration.
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Oh, I'm the opposit of you in this, if I want a little nice container, I buy a little nice container in a shop only if I really need it
You get some interesting savings when you buy containers with food. Like buying ice cream and keeping the boxes as tupperwares :D
...and another thing: it drives me absolutely bonkers when I see a menu in my area that references "beef burgers."

I get that it's different around the world, and that's fine, doesn't irritate me one bit, but around here, "burger," means a burger made from beef. It's the default. Ya don't need to specify any further.

If you're selling pork need to call it a pork burger, and the same with chicken or bean/veg, whatever; with beef, that's not necessary, and is redundant.

Once, when I was in a particularly bad mood, I asked the waitperson at just such a place why the chicken noodle soup wasn't further explained as "chicken noodle soup, made with chicken and noodles," since they felt the need to say "beef burger," on a menu where those were the only burgers they offered (ones made of beef).

You've opened the floodgates... NOW GET OFF MY LAWN!!! :mad:

My collection of "tupperwares" are a testimony of how much ice cream I used to eat.
They are handy when I send food to my parents though, they never return the containers and often lose them,
Oh, I'm the opposit of you in this, if I want a little nice container, I buy a little nice container in a shop only if I really need it

We don't have nice little container shops here. Any empty jars are generally very plain. Online may be different, though.

You get some interesting savings when you buy containers with food. Like buying ice cream and keeping the boxes as tupperwares :D
I like the shapes of the different glass jars for mustard, yogurt, sauces, that sort of thing, and you get an appropriate lid for them as well.

The last time we were in England, I kept going to the Sainsbury's up the road and buying yogurt and jams, relishes and whatnot, mainly for the jars.

Generally, here, all the yogurt pots are plastic, and I nearly peed my pants with excitement when Yoplait introduced yogurt in cute little fat-bottomed jars...until I realized they didn't come with reusable lids, just the pull-off foil ones.

A lot of internet searching turned up some rubbery lids from Germany that fit the Yoplait jars exactly, so I ordered some of those through Amazon, and I've since noticed that you can buy them through Yoplait's website now.
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