...and another thing: it drives me absolutely bonkers when I see a menu in my area that references "beef burgers."
I get that it's different around the world, and that's fine, doesn't irritate me one bit, but around here, "burger," means a burger made from beef. It's the default. Ya don't need to specify any further.
If you're selling pork burgers...you need to call it a pork burger, and the same with chicken or bean/veg, whatever; with beef, that's not necessary, and is redundant.
Once, when I was in a particularly bad mood, I asked the waitperson at just such a place why the chicken noodle soup wasn't further explained as "chicken noodle soup, made with chicken and noodles," since they felt the need to say "beef burger," on a menu where those were the only burgers they offered (ones made of beef).
You've opened the floodgates... NOW GET OFF MY LAWN!!!