Types of cheese for pizza


Ravioli de zucca in brown butter and fried sage is proof that there is a God. Especially paired with a Loire Chenin Blanc.
Next you're going to be extolling the virtues of liver (yes I hate it in all forms: pate, fried chicken livers, calves liver, etc.).

Y'all go right on ahead without me.
To keep this on topic, I use fresh-grated mozzarella on my pizzas, sometimes a bit of fontina or cheddar. For a Margherita I will use slices of fresh buffalo mozza, well-drained and dried.

Slightly off topic, we went for a family dinner at an Italian restaurant a couple of days ago. They're famous for their Cheese Room and here are some shots of it:



Ahhh you're vegetarian! No meat or fish ever?

I once was vegetarian for two years and a pescatarian for several.
Never ever. The last time I had meat was nearly 60 years ago, so the vegetarian thing is likely just a passing phase I'm going through.

My decision (I was a young child at the time) was fateful: my mother told me, "If you want to eat differently than the rest of the family, you're going to have to cook for yourself." So she taught me the basics and set me loose, starting a lifetime passion.
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