I'm so sad for the 40 million Ukrainians; I'm too sad and frightened to do really anything - not least because of our tragic family history regarding bombings and front lines in WW2. I haven't cooked much and I've been down for many weeks: somehow I've felt this is coming.
Finland is currently the only western neighbor of Russia which is not part of NATO. Our land border with Russia is 1340 km (~830 miles). Under these circumstances - hearing the hostile speeches the mad swine-eyed dog is giving about NATO's spread to the east - we're going to have a tough time forwarding NATO membership negotiations in the future. EU membership gives us no safety guarantee.
Norway has been a NATO member for ages. Our worst fear is that our western neighbor Sweden would be accepted as NATO member in the near future but Finland would be considered a risk both from the western and eastern viewpoint - especially after the current incidents.
We fear that we'd be left on our own: a forgotten bumper region; a tiny, globally irrelevant forestland with only a few million people. It doesn't help that our president and ministers give speeches underlining that at this moment(!) Finland is not under any direct military threat.
Kiev is situated nearer to Helsinki than some parts of the Finnish Lapland. If the deranged megalomaniac pygm keeps in power, where do you think he might feel is need for "protection" against a negative stance or hostile attitude (which, in Russian, is described as genocide) towards less than 30 000 Russian or dual Finnish Russian nationals and some 100 000 Russian speaking Finns and "protection" for the possible enlargement of NATO to the east?
I don't think the crazy tiger hunter wants to remember that Finland was occupied by Russians only for a short period during 1809-1917. Sweden has been our long-time companion, occupier and conqueror - and the main source of our current legal, cultural, religional and scholar system (together with Germany, Norway and Estonia). To some measure, the 19th century, pre-revolutionary Russia treated us better than Sweden - by giving us autonomy (and not treating us only as a buffer zone unworthy to protect) - but we have no linguistic, cultural, historic or genetic connections to contemporary Russians. The Baltic countries share a bit of our linguistic history. Finns have gathered here from south, southeast and west since the last glacial period 10 000 years ago. We're a small but distinct people with a long-standing folk culture. There is an old Finnish proverb: "We are not Swedes, we do not want to become Russians, so let us be Finns".
Finland holds no special natural resources. We would not offer Russia access to new sea areas or any particularly valuable strategic observation points. We've served foreign occupiers tirelessly for centuries and built a safe and technically and economically advanced society since our independence in 1917. We have nothing more to offer than honesty, dignity and negotiation skills, pure nature and cared for woodlands, well kept, modest houses, functional infrastructure, beautiful lakes, a small and thriving society, a globally praised education system - and most important: a functioning and free democracy with human rights. The happiest people in the world - until now.
Older Finns remember how the Finnish Karelia looked and smelled like and how the houses, roads, parks and electric wires were kept before Russians took over. Now the same area, the Russian Karelian republic, looks and smells like shit. We remember how the Russians deprived us from minerals and seabed oil by taking our "right northern hand"; the Petsamo area, the only access Finns had to the Arctic Sea, in WW2 - not to mention the tiny Porkkala post-war "compulsory military rental area" (1944-1956) on the southern coast, which was held by Russians just long enough to have every seaside villa pretty much destroyed. The Russians even turned some houses into outhouses: they drilled a hole on the second floor and defecated downstairs. That's the essence of Russian people - at least the military, aggressive gang filled with manipulative thoughts and stimulants. I know that the Russians love their children, too. I don't have to hear that from Sting or read that on the front page of Pravda. The Russians are just collectively stupid: giving power to morons.
We all know who hates and fears democracy above all else. Please pray for us. If the hunt is still on when the war in Ukraine is finished, the wolves might turn their snouts to the north.
Finland is currently the only western neighbor of Russia which is not part of NATO. Our land border with Russia is 1340 km (~830 miles). Under these circumstances - hearing the hostile speeches the mad swine-eyed dog is giving about NATO's spread to the east - we're going to have a tough time forwarding NATO membership negotiations in the future. EU membership gives us no safety guarantee.
Norway has been a NATO member for ages. Our worst fear is that our western neighbor Sweden would be accepted as NATO member in the near future but Finland would be considered a risk both from the western and eastern viewpoint - especially after the current incidents.
We fear that we'd be left on our own: a forgotten bumper region; a tiny, globally irrelevant forestland with only a few million people. It doesn't help that our president and ministers give speeches underlining that at this moment(!) Finland is not under any direct military threat.
Kiev is situated nearer to Helsinki than some parts of the Finnish Lapland. If the deranged megalomaniac pygm keeps in power, where do you think he might feel is need for "protection" against a negative stance or hostile attitude (which, in Russian, is described as genocide) towards less than 30 000 Russian or dual Finnish Russian nationals and some 100 000 Russian speaking Finns and "protection" for the possible enlargement of NATO to the east?
I don't think the crazy tiger hunter wants to remember that Finland was occupied by Russians only for a short period during 1809-1917. Sweden has been our long-time companion, occupier and conqueror - and the main source of our current legal, cultural, religional and scholar system (together with Germany, Norway and Estonia). To some measure, the 19th century, pre-revolutionary Russia treated us better than Sweden - by giving us autonomy (and not treating us only as a buffer zone unworthy to protect) - but we have no linguistic, cultural, historic or genetic connections to contemporary Russians. The Baltic countries share a bit of our linguistic history. Finns have gathered here from south, southeast and west since the last glacial period 10 000 years ago. We're a small but distinct people with a long-standing folk culture. There is an old Finnish proverb: "We are not Swedes, we do not want to become Russians, so let us be Finns".
Finland holds no special natural resources. We would not offer Russia access to new sea areas or any particularly valuable strategic observation points. We've served foreign occupiers tirelessly for centuries and built a safe and technically and economically advanced society since our independence in 1917. We have nothing more to offer than honesty, dignity and negotiation skills, pure nature and cared for woodlands, well kept, modest houses, functional infrastructure, beautiful lakes, a small and thriving society, a globally praised education system - and most important: a functioning and free democracy with human rights. The happiest people in the world - until now.
Older Finns remember how the Finnish Karelia looked and smelled like and how the houses, roads, parks and electric wires were kept before Russians took over. Now the same area, the Russian Karelian republic, looks and smells like shit. We remember how the Russians deprived us from minerals and seabed oil by taking our "right northern hand"; the Petsamo area, the only access Finns had to the Arctic Sea, in WW2 - not to mention the tiny Porkkala post-war "compulsory military rental area" (1944-1956) on the southern coast, which was held by Russians just long enough to have every seaside villa pretty much destroyed. The Russians even turned some houses into outhouses: they drilled a hole on the second floor and defecated downstairs. That's the essence of Russian people - at least the military, aggressive gang filled with manipulative thoughts and stimulants. I know that the Russians love their children, too. I don't have to hear that from Sting or read that on the front page of Pravda. The Russians are just collectively stupid: giving power to morons.
We all know who hates and fears democracy above all else. Please pray for us. If the hunt is still on when the war in Ukraine is finished, the wolves might turn their snouts to the north.

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