Ah, Cancun. My second working trip there was interesting. I was sent to hook up some plumbing from the compressors to storage bottles at the Hyatt, for a new start up called "Marina Aqua Rey", back in the mid 90's. I was supposed to meet the owners (two brothers) at the airport. I arrived and found no one. They arrive about two hours later on a flight out of Houston, TX. They had brought so much stuff with them for the business, including a couple carpets. They had a small car they had left at the airport before they flew to Houston. Let's just say they brought back 20 pounds of stuff which needed to fit into a 5 pound bucket (the car). So these masterminds decided that since I was the biggest, I would drive!
So they put the carpets in the middle of the car front to back and Herman climbed on top of them, laying down front to back. Mauricio and I loaded the rest of the stuff in the back seat and trunk and in Mauricio's lap. Herman was hardly visible, surrounded by all that stuff. Off we go! If driving in a foreign country at midnight, on roads with no street lights isn't bad enough, try coming up on a wrecked car in the middle of the road, with arms and legs sticking out the windows!
I slammed on the brakes, causing a shift forward of all the stuff in the car, including Herman. Mauricio explained to me that the arms and legs were from manikins and those and the car were placed there by the local police to discourage folks from speeding. Heart in throat, we finally arrived on the strip in Cancun. I'll never forget that little trip from the airport. On the brighter side, this was my first tasting of local food as Herman and Mauricio took me to places the local indigenous folks ate at. Herman and Mauricio were of Spanish decent and though smaller than myself, they stood several heads above the natives.