Vinager spoiled

well lets look at it another way : my dad died at age 69 , my oldest brother died at age 60 , my other brother died at age 71 looking at this i would have to say that i'm walking on thin ice
well lets look at it another way : my dad died at age 69 , my oldest brother died at age 60 , my other brother died at age 71 looking at this i would have to say that i'm walking on thin ice
I try to stay positive with things like that. My wife’s family, her Dad’s side, anyway, don’t live all that long, and MrsT frequently mopes that she doesn’t “have a lot of time left.”

I always tell her…your dad died 14 years ago, his brother 23 years ago, his other brother 20 years ago, your grandad over 60 years ago…medical care has never been more advanced than right now, this day, this hour, this minute, and that’ll be true tomorrow and the next day and the next, so that alone should buy you five years at least, and probably 10 more than your dad, that puts you well into your 80’s, which is normal now anyway, so…quit moping!
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