Wax Paper

I remember Chippy's lining a newspaper with grease proof then wrapping the fish and chips into a parcel. We were so poor my Dad would send me out to get Mum's and his fish and chips in the winter. If we were lucky he would let us warm the communal bed up with the residual heat from the fragrant parcel.
I have parchment paper, but only use it for a few things. I really want a Silpat. They cost a lot, but I hate things on a roll, for the most part. They curl up when you go to use them. When I do use parchment paper, I have to hold it down with one hand and put the food on with the other. PITA! I want to cook, not go though a kitchen sobriety test. Stone cold sober, I can't use cling film. Parchment paper is just annoying in comparison, but that's enough.

Am I starting to sound like you? I don't have a lawn, so I can't tell kids to get off it.

The silpats have a problem with browning, I think. There are a couple of tips with parchy that will work against that curl.

Easiest one is to pull off a section of paper, then crumple it up as tightly as possible into a paper wad. Now smooth it back out and it won't curl any more. Of course, that means your cookies will have something in common with me - a wrinkly bottom.

The other way comes with a little story.

My main purpose in using foil or parchy in the oven is to line a baking sheet so I don't have to wash it. I hate washing baking sheets, scraping crud off, so no matter what I'm baking, the sheet almost always gets lined with something.

Foil obviously isn't an issue - it molds right to the pan, but parchy is a pain right in the wazoo.

One day, I'm watching my cooking hero Jacques Pepin, and I don't even remember what he was baking, but he pulled off a big sheet of parchy and started talking about using it, and I got all excited, because I thought, "If anybody knows the 'right' way to use parchy, it'll be Pepin!"

First thing he did was grab his baking sheet and...smear about a tablespoon of butter all over it: "...an' this will hold your paper in place..."

NOOOOOOO!!! Jacques! The whole point is to keep me from dirtying a baking sheet! 😕

To add insult to injury, he then swiftly (and I mean light speed) grabbed a paring knife, trimmed the ends and cut the corners, so that his paper fit the pan bottom and sides exactly. Show-off! 😒

Cling film...I order Sta-Tite from Amazon, it seems to have the best ratio of clinging to other stuff while not clinging to itself, and the box comes with a sliding cutter, which is helpful. My dream kitchen would have a big island with rollers fitted at each end to hold rolls of cling film, butcher's paper, wax paper, and parchy.
We grew up with wax paper as a way to keep cookies or brownies in separate layers apart from each other in storage tins. At some point I discovered parchment paper and switched to that - many more uses after all. Although now for cooking I now do have a sheet of reusable Silpat.

I use aluminum foil for some cooking purposes, not storage.
Cling film...I order Sta-Tite from Amazon, it seems to have the best ratio of clinging to other stuff while not clinging to itself, and the box comes with a sliding cutter, which is helpful. My dream kitchen would have a big island with rollers fitted at each end to hold rolls of cling film, butcher's paper, wax paper, and parchy.

At the risk of stimulating Burt Blank's imagination, I post this video. The Saran Wrap Challenge.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PeSvrrkTwD8

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