Websites you have found useful as a vegan


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
8:24 AM
SE Australia
I thought I would start a thread on useful vegan websites (websites that are solely vegan rather than contain a few vegan recipes or a pinch of information about the vegan diet).
So just post the name and link to the vegan website you like.

Vegano is the first one I will add in

Followed by Nouveau Raw which whilst not dedicated to a vegan diet, but a raw food diet, is by definition a vegan diet.
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I'm not entirely vegan, but do choose the options if they are available. One site I check out for ideas is;

Also it gives me suggestions of the latest products that are available as well.
Another website I have found that is mostly vegan, sometimes vegetarian and just occasionally not (but she warns you and gives alternatives) that is absolutely excellent is this one

Food to Glow.
It's actually a food blog. She's a "cancer health educator" who speaks "fluent vegan" and I have to say it has really caught my attention. It looks and reads really well and there are numerous recipes that I will happily try and if you do print off her recipes, the blog sections and individual pictures can be removed by clicking on the paragraphs after you have used her send to printer option - which is a really excellent move on her behalf!
I just recently learned about raw food diets and I was quite impressed. There was this documentary about this family who ate all of their food raw. I remeber one of the items they made was a raw "hamburger" and they baked it out in the sun before eating it. Apparently cooking food takes out many of the nutrients.
I just recently learned about raw food diets and I was quite impressed. There was this documentary about this family who ate all of their food raw. I remeber one of the items they made was a raw "hamburger" and they baked it out in the sun before eating it. Apparently cooking food takes out many of the nutrients.
My brother-in-law follows a raw food diet and it is one of the reasons I have a dehydrator. I incorporate a lot of raw food into our diets in the summer. It seems to fall in with the uncooked salads that I usually make during the really warm months we sometimes get in the UK. When it is really hot, neither of us want to eat cooked food, so the dehydrator comes in quite handy.
I bet the dehydrator comes in handy for hot summer days, as well as recreational trips. Dehydrated food packs well so you could take it on your cycling trips and not have to worry about finding somewhere to eat along the way. We go on a lot of back country hiking trips during the summer and I would be nice to dehydrate some food to take with. I plan to get a dehydrator some day, but no money for it now. Does your brother in law sun bake foods?
Does your brother in law sun bake foods?
the UK is not exactly known for its sunny climate! :meh: So on the whole no. :rain: :cold: But every now and again when we get a good sunny spell, it is possible to sun dry things if you make up what we know as a cold frame which is a miniature greenhouse and has its own microclimate that is much warmer, but it does not have the air supply that sun drying needs, so it can be rather hit and miss!
Sun baking would probably be best done in the hotter more dry regions of the world. Up here in the Pacific Northwest we get our fair share of crappy weather too and we have to take full advantage of it when the weather outside is warm. It is very rare for us to get above 80 degrees Farenheit.
There have to be millions of sites that I use now that I'm vegan, but by far the best resource for me has been facebook. There are so many different groups and vegan sites that are being promoted on facebook it's unreal. Of the many that I have come across, one of them has actually led me to my current location, being primarily raw, I came across a site full of people who are doing the very diet I have been eating for years! The group name is "Rawtil4", it's led me to a festival here in Thailand, where I plan to stay for a while, it's beautiful, there are over 95 different vegan restaurants in the area. I'll list a few others down below that you might find useful. (great for locating restaurants, wherever you are in the world)

Several useful vegan channels on Youtube include:
Vegan Gains
Durian Rider
Bitesize Vegan
Gary Yrofsky
Plant based athlete
Rice and raw
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