As a vegetarian of some 38 years, I've long been a little baffled as to why some people are quite happy to eat certain animals, but get rather finicky at the thought of eating others.
Yes, I agree with this sentiment (I eat fish only). What is of primary concern to me is the welfare of the animal, that it has lived a happy cruelty free life and had a humane death, and not the species which is being eaten. I see no difference between a rabbit, a dog, a chicken, a cow and so on. If you are eating meat then what difference does the type of animal make ?
Have you ever looked in their eyes as you pulled them from their watery, peaceful habitat by their mouths after tricking them into eating a tasty morsel that has a barbed metal spike hidden inside?
Out of interest, why do you eat fish if you are vegetarian? 38 years is a long time... My daughter is the same so 'pescatarian' if you want to call it that. She just loves the taste of fish and doesn't want to give it up. I think she also doesn't think fish have quite such developed nervous systems and brains as mammals.
Sorry - I really am losing the plot! I got expelled from school and was vegetarian at the time. Unconnected facts (I think).It's me that is a vegetarian of 38 years. It is, indeed, a long time, but I ate very little meat in the time betweenbeing expelled fromleaving school to when I gave up for good.
As I say eating a carnivore defeats the object of eating meat in the first place. Nature has a food chain = plants - plant eaters - things that eat the plant eaters - microbes that eat the plant eaters and return them to the soil to feed the plants - it's a cycle and eating a meat eater [except maybe in an emergency for survival] is simply wasteful.
As I say eating a carnivore defeats the object of eating meat in the first place. Nature has a food chain = plants - plant eaters - things that eat the plant eaters - microbes that eat the plant eaters and return them to the soil to feed the plants - it's a cycle and eating a meat eater [except maybe in an emergency for survival] is simply wasteful.
I'm all for trying new food, and trying my best not to judge. As long as my religion (Islam) says i can eat it then I don't usually have a problem with trying a new food. I've eaten camel,rabbit, alligator (before I became a Muslim), ostrich, squid, octopus. I'm sure there are more that I have tried but can't think of right now. Honestly when it comes to dog I would not eat it at all. I don't know if it's allowed in my religion and even if it was it would be big no for me because I've owned dogs in my life time. I know what they eat how they act and what they do. Even if they are sweet and cuddly and all this is not the reason I wouldn't eat one. In my opinion dogs are not the cleanest animals and there attitude and behavior can be quite vulgar in some ways (no offense to dog lovers). They eat cat poo, some like to have fun (insert finger quotes here) with anything, they like to lick everything including there hm hmms and they don't have any cleaning agents in there saliva so all the germs are in everything they lick, they eat vomit and everything else. This is why I will never eat dog even if they were raised for meat in a clean environment. Still would never eat itWhat are your views about using dogs as food? To Westerners this might seem horrific but in some cultures its perfectly accepted. What do you think? This report in the Guardian debates the issue:
Only if they're on a bun.